Yegor M.
SGA-Supported Missionary Pastor in Russia

I want to tell you a short story about a man named Maxim. As a church, we pray for professed believers who have left the church. It does not mean they are sentenced to always be outside the church. We believe that the Lord can show them and lead them on the way back. 

Maxim had made a profession of faith in 1992 as a teenager, then got baptized a year later. Then he moved to another town and stopped attending church. In the past 30 years, he became a dentist, then married and divorced several times, and he has four children. He no longer had fellowship with any church. 

Praise the Lord, recently Maxim came back to our church, saying that he is tired of being alone. We had a long conversation with him. I invited him to join the Bible study group at my home, and to join the Foundations of Faith classes at the church. He was very encouraged by our conversation, and he is now a very good student—he is happy to get all the knowledge from the Bible that he has missed in the past 30 years. We pray for Maxim to grow in Christ and to have strong faith. Please join us in our prayers!

The Value and Importance of Bible Training

Bible study is vital for people like Maxim, and people in all situations.

In the last three months, I have been doing a lot of teaching at my church. I continued to hold Bible classes for our brothers and sisters, teaching History of New Testament and BibliologyI am getting some good feedback from the students, some of them say that it is something they really longed for—learning to navigate the Word of God, learning to understand His will and His action in our lives. I also started a new Preachers School for young brothers who want to learn how to share Scripture with the church through sermons. We have four brothers who attend the classes and they are very motivated for a new ministry. 

Besides these classes, I started some other courses in Christian leadership for our youth and teenaged leaders. It is also a very good time for open and sincere discussion of complicated issues that our leaders face in ministry. We talk about our goals in ministry, problems that prevent us from achieving these goals, and ways to solve problems. I continue the Foundations of Faith classes for brothers and sisters who want to become members of our church. Some of them joined recently.

Dear brothers and sisters, once again I thank you for all of your support, both spiritual and financial! It is very important for our family. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you richly and may He continue His work in our lives!

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Life-Changing Work