Millions Facing
Urgent Needs in UKRAINE

Pain and suffering, violence and bloodshed, heartbreak, and hopelessness are part of every headline today.
But for the family of faith, we see the other side of the story — the story of God’s people sharing hope, passing on the Gospel, passing on the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Help Suffering Ukrainians

Ukraine Wmergency Bagde
Pray, give and help pastors, churches and families facing urgent physical and spiritual needs.
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Pastors Request Prayer

SGA-supported missionary pastor from the Chernigov region asks us to pray for God’s protection. He has no opportunity to flee to a safer place.

SGA-supported church planter in Odessa asks prayer for wisdom as he directs people to move to the rural Odessa region away from the city. People are in panic as stores are being emptied and gas stations ran out of gasoline.

SGA-supported pastor from the Sumy region asks us to pray for peace as people are told to prepare for the worst. They were warned that water and electricity might be cut off. Most believers are staying in the city.

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Please pray for the pastors, families, elderly, and children facing the war in Ukraine.

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Your donation will help change lives in former Soviet countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
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