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The following report and images are provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

The relief supplies that generous friends like you help provide to churches in Ukraine are not just meeting urgent physical needs. They are the tools God uses to open hurting hearts to the Gospel. Every interaction with a hurting Ukrainian is an opportunity to share good news that will change their lives for eternity!

At one SGA-supported church’s outreach center,  two displaced Ukrainians were recently blessed by God as believers distributed emergency aid and shared about the hope we have in Jesus. May their stories be a blessing to you today as you read more about Victoria and her family, as well as a mother named Anna and her daughter Kira . . .

The Tools God Uses To Open Hurting Hearts Testimony 1

Victoria and her family

Victoria and her family came from [an embattled] region. Their village is now under occupation. The family is raising three teenage daughters. The husband is disabled and cannot work. As any mother, Victoria wanted her girls to get a good education and live in their beautiful country. But war does not ask anyone what a person loves or what their plans are. War destroys everything in its path! Their small village has been under occupation since the first days of the full-scale invasion.

When they fled, they did not know whether they would survive and where their next stop would be. The travel was risky and dangerous, as the enemy systematically shelled the road. With God’s help, they arrived at the [our church’s outreach center].

Here all the families have a good time getting to know each other and communicating. The spiritual part of [our center] is required every day. The children also have a good time here, they are all safe, they go to a Ukrainian school in the neighboring village.

We are grateful that God shows His care for such families and we have food to feed people. Thank you, friends, for your help! We thank the Lord for giving us strength in this ministry!

The Tools God Uses To Open Hurting Hearts Testimony 2

Anna and Kira

When the full-scale invasion began in February 2022, Anna hoped that everything would pass quickly and they would not need to flee anywhere. She realized that she was the only one responsible for her little daughter, Kira, who was only five years old. So they tried to stay at home together at first and hide from the shelling. But, Anna also experienced all the horrors that people in [her city] went through and stayed in the city until a certain point. Together with the neighbors, they shared food and water to survive, collected and melted snow in winter, and cooked food over the fire.

After a while, one family helped Anna get out of that dangerous place, and together they made it to a European country. It was hard for Anna in a foreign country, she missed her country, and later she and her daughter Kira came to us [in our] region. Anna has no one but her little daughter. The apartment [where she used to live in Ukraine] that she inherited from her grandfather was also destroyed. Everything was destroyed by the [invaders]. Anna misses her city, which is still occupied and completely destroyed by the enemies in front of her eyes. God miraculously saved her and her daughter’s lives.  Despite all the difficulties and the fact that she has nowhere to return to [where she used to live], she hopes to settle her life in Ukraine.

We thank the Lord that we can serve families like these here at [our outreach center]. We are grateful to SGA for the food aid, it is a great blessing for us in these times of war! May the Lord bless everyone abundantly!

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, and hygiene supplies.

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