More jaw-dropping events occurred in Russia during Christmas season.
Pastor Benjamin Livtsenyuk and his church is located in a more impoverished area of Khabarovsk and ministry there is difficult. But God has raised up an effective ministry team, and the entire Christmas program was led and conducted by the youth in the church. They sang, performed a skit about the Christmas story, and taught about 30 children and their parents who had come. And then according to SGA’s Eric Mock, a young man of 11 years of age stepped to the pulpit to preach:
“I had tears in my eyes as this boy preached and challenged the kids there—and the parents. It was a joy to see the impact these kids had. As part of Immanuel’s Child, the children who had come received the gift of prayer from the many who signed stars, the gift of God’s Word, a gift of warm items and candy, and more importantly, they were offered the gift of grace in Christ Jesus!”
Later, Benjamin and his congregation went to several street corners in their neighborhood and sang Christmas carols. These beautiful songs clearly proclaimed the true message of Christmas . . . To us a Savior has been born! Most all the locals responded with encouraging words and stopped to listen to the singing. Even a policeman drove up, watched the singing for a bit, and drove on. God not only was present, but His protection was clear. Praise God for these faithful churches, and for His gracious provision for their fruitful Christmas ministries.