240924 Sga Oct Cultivation Campaign Pastors Gifts Website Article Wf Preview V0
Oct 09, 2024
Editor’s Note: The image(s) and story below were provided by an SGA storyteller in Moldova.

It is easy for a man to have head knowledge and take on the position of teaching from God’s Word. But a true pastor doesn’t only teach what is written on the pages, instead he lives it out in his life.

A good pastor is a living testimony of what is written in those pages, because his love for God is so deep. He allows the Word of God to greatly impact his heart first, then he teaches it to others. He counts it a privilege to witness the work of the Lord in the lives of the people who have heard His message. In the story below, pastor Vitaly does just that. . .

Today I share with you an inspiring story about the pastor of a local church, who not only serves the community with an open heart, but is also a beacon of hope for the entire region.

Pastor Vitaly, a dedicated speaker of God and servant of divine love, preaches the Word of God every day. But he does not stop at only teaching Scripture—he lives them in every action, shedding light and guidance to those around him. He shares: “I preach the Word of God because I believe it is the only way to healing and salvation. In a world full of uncertainty, God’s Word brings light of truth and hope to thirsty souls.” His mission is not just about words. The pastor lives his faith by his deeds, helping those in need and offering hope to the sorrowful. He says, “Helping the needy and giving hope to people through the Word of God is a holy duty that I embrace with joy.”

Vitaly understands that time and resources are gifts from God—meant to be used wisely and generously. “The time we have is given by God for all equally,” he says. “How we use that time for ourselves and for God’s service is important. God gives time and God gives resources, and every project needs faith and effort.”

In the light of his faith and devotion, Vitaly not only watches over the church with love and care, but also teaches his flock to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. It is an honor and a blessing to have him in our lives, modeling his life after Christ’s teachings and inspiring us to be better in ministering to those around us.

Every Sunday morning, Vitaly feels a deep joy and gratitude for all the wonderful things he has seen. He confesses: “As a pastor, I have had the privilege of witnessing the changes the Holy Spirit works in people’s hearts. I have seen tears of sorrow turned to smiles of joy, fears replaced by courage, and weakness turned to strength through faith.”

I had the honor to see how Vitaly’s church is becoming a source of light and hope for the region. Through social projects and active involvement in helping those in need, we are a living witness of Christ’s love in a world that often seems dark.

“So, when I think of the benefits I have seen in the church as I have served as pastor, I cannot help but be deeply grateful for the blessings God has poured out upon us, and that He is working so wonderfully in our midst.”

Please pray for the many faithful missionary pastors who lead their congregations by example and have a heart’s desire to see them saved by faith in Christ Jesus.

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