Women's meeting at the House of Prayer.
Feb 26, 2020
Central Asia

Pastor Vladimir
SGA-Sponsored Missionary Pastor

My church sends you the warmest greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! By God’s mercy, we continue to carry out our ministry for His glory.

Charity lunch at a Harvest Festival.
Charity lunch at a Harvest Festival.

Our week is full of ministry activities in our region. We make home visitations to elderly and ill believers in our church. Wednesdays are prayer service, and then on Thursdays we hold prayer meetings in another local village. Each Saturday, our youth gather for Bible study and fellowship, and on Sundays we have our worship and lots of meetings with people.

Our local schools and colleges start a new academic year in September. Therefore, we always have a special time of prayer for all the students. We also conduct Harvest Festivals in September with festive charity lunches. There are always lots of non-believing neighbors and relatives who come to these services. And the Holy Spirit is producing the fruit of repentance in peoples’ hearts.

In one local town where we minister, it seemed that there was no way that cold hearts that had been frozen by atheism could melt. Unbelief in God is deeply rooted in their souls. But the Lord blessed our community and we held a Harvest Festival last fall. We had guests from neighboring churches and many unbelievers. The brothers preached the Gospel with thanksgiving, calling people to repentance. We praised God for the year’s harvest and at the end, we had a dinner for needy people.

Women's meeting at the House of Prayer.
Women’s meeting at the House of Prayer.

Brother Sergei helped organize a women’s meeting in this town. The sisters in Christ and the unbelieving women, who had been invited, gathered at the House of Prayer. The theme of the meeting was Life and Death in the Power of a Tongue. They read from Proverbs and James, who wrote about the danger of an unbridled tongue and the great blessings for those whose mouths glorify the Lord. Prayers, sometimes with tears, reading Scripture and applying it, have made changes. The lives of these people have been changed—they are happy in life and in their families. 

Later, we went back to our main city and held a large evangelistic meeting. The hall was full. The Holy Spirit worked in the hearts of people and 30 people repented of their sins before God! Please, join us in praying for our young people to devote themselves to our Lord and Savior. Pray that the people of our nation will come to know the Lord. And once again, thank you for your love for my family!

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