Larissa Zotova, who leads the SGA-sponsored Orphans Reborn team in Central Asia, sent the following short testimony from a young boy who received Christ in summer camp. It is a tremendous example of how your prayers and generous support is helping to change many young lives for eternity!
My name is Maxim, and I am 12 years old. I had never heard of the Lord before I came to the orphanage in Central Asia. One day a wonderful thing happened. A lady named Larissa came to our orphanage and shared a Bible story with us. In just a few hours, I realized that I have a Father who is in Heaven. Soon after that, I received Jesus as my personal Savior and I was given a Bible. I started reading it, praying, and serving the Lord. I learned more in a camp they held for us.
Last year, I got to go to a Christian camp for the second time. Upon arrival, we could see familiar people. Our kind cooks prepared a great meal for us, and we asked God’s grace to bless it. After breakfast, we prayed again and then went outdoors, where we had been playing sports. I really enjoyed jumping, running and having fun with others. After lunch, we had a “treasure hunt” quest along with other games, and then we went back indoors, where a wonderful surprise was waiting for us.
On the tables were set cakes that we could decorate. Then we were invited to the library where Larissa told us the Bible story about Noah’s Ark. I really liked the story and it taught me a lesson to obey God’s Word and not to sin. I am thankful to all good people who share with us from the warmth of their hearts!