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Editor’s Note: The report, video and images below were provided by SGA’s Senior Vice President of Ministry Operations, Eric Mock, while on a trip to Ukraine last month.

How would you respond to hearing explosions through the night? Since May 1, the nightly missile strikes and the intercepts by ground-based defense systems have invoked various responses in people.

Sharing Victory Bread And The Bread Of Life 13

I am near Kiev, Ukraine, now and have heard these explosions. I visited an aid station in Hostomel, which is now a church plant of Irpen Bible Church. Spending time with Vyacheslav (former SGA Regional Ministry Center Accountant, missionary to Nepal as well, now assisting with the church plant here and one more about two miles away) was a true blessing.

Prior to the distribution of bread and sitting down over a cup of coffee at a service, people heard the Gospel and from the Word. Then I visited with several ladies. They told of different responses to the explosions. Some out of fear of being crushed under the ruble go out into the street when the explosions begin and stand outside for three to four hours a night. Others choose to sleep in the entryway in their apartments, away from the windows. Each asked the same question: “Is tonight the night the missile or debris from the intercept falls on me?”

One woman said: “I have lived two lives. One life a life of peace and thinking of grandchildren and retirement. Now after the war, a completely different life of not knowing what the next day will bring.” They all said, “Please keep the aid coming. It is so needed.”

Included in the pictures [below] is some of the damage in Hostomel at a former children’s center that was hit by two rockets in the initial assault of the war. Such devastation should never happen. Children’s toys and other things were scattered throughout.

Yet in this all, Christ is building His church and turning hearts to Himself. The church has swelled to over 100, and they are considering another church plant. All of the ladies that were raising their hands were those women who attended a women’s conference that SGA supported, and they all pleaded with us to keep the aid coming.

They asked me to share with them before distributing the “victory bread.” I shared that we pray for victory in Ukraine, and that there is also victory over sin through faith in Jesus Christ—the bread of life! I encouraged them to take both pieces of bread and to experience fullness in their souls. Watch part of my message . . .

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In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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