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Editor’s Note: The following story is provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

A story isn’t always about just one individual or even just one family. Sometimes it is more about a group of people, and how God’s hand is among them all. The report from an SGA-supported pastor that you can read below shows us how God was at work during a summer camp in Ukraine. 

Although 40 children came, there was not even one who repented. Each one, however, has now heard the Gospel of Christ. Many want to begin coming to the local church. And God is still writing the pages of these lives. From the smallest camper to every leader or parent, God is shaping each of their individual stories. He used a week at camp to write the introduction of their new story, and now begins writing the chapters. 

Please pray for each one who attended not only this camp, but the many SGA-supported Summer Bible Camps this summer. Pray for hearts to be changed, so that the end of these stories in this report will be written victoriously . . . 

About 40 children attended our camp this year. On the last day, the campers prepared their own festive dinner, with potatoes with BBQ sausages, salad, and rolls. The kids were especially delighted to receive the gifts in the end of the camp! Everyone was very happy and rejoicing. The parents who brought their children thanked the church for holding the camp, because in the villages, children have no entertainment or clubs.

I believe such camps are very important and useful, because through them the Good News is preached, and children hear about God. We give thanks to our Lord for you, your continued prayers for us and faithful support of the church!  It inspires us and gives us strength, as we know that we are not alone in this time of distress.  

Here are some testimonies of some of the parents and children. Although nobody repented at this camp, nobody wanted to leave, and everyone wanted to begin attending Sunday school.  

Ksenia, 10 and Vika, 11

“The camp was just incredible! We participated in many activities. We liked the “water” gate through which passed the most. There was a very hot weather, but it was fun. We also listened to interesting Bible stories and compared the biblical heroes to us who live in the modern world, thinking about what kind of character we have. We wish the camp could run all summer! Thank you for doing the camp!”

Arsen  11, and Matvii 9 

“We really enjoyed playing sports games, as we had many players there. We had a good time; we played, had nice food, and we also had a Bible lesson and discussion. We enjoyed the story about Nehemiah, when the people were rebuilding the city. They held weapons in one hand and built with the other. It was very interesting to hear about such brave people.”

Denis, 7 

“I really like to listen to the stories, and I always have some questions. I liked being at the camp. I liked the water games, when small balloons with water smashed at you—it’s so much fun. And there were also cool songs that we sang together. I liked the song about the fact that each of us can be a saint, and I liked the anthem of our camp. It’s about Ukraine, and I love my country very much!”

Angelina, 12

“I came from the Donetsk region, but I have been living [here] for two years now. I came [here] to visit my grandmother, and when I heard about the camp, I wanted to come so much. My friends were also here, and we all had a good time. I heard about God and His character. He wants us to be like Him. I like to be joyous and make others happy. I was told that I was so energetic, it was so nice. This camp went by so fast, and I made new friends, also from among our leaders!”

Zhenya, 12, Sasha 12 

“We go to this church and attend Sunday school. So, we learned about the summer camp some time ago and were looking forward to it! We had so much fun that we didn’t want this camp to end! We saw that God loves us and that is why He arranged this camp for us! Those days just flew by, and we were delighted, especially me (Sasha) when the camp ended. I almost cried. I am now waiting for getting back to Sunday school and meet with my friends again!”

Part of the senior team

“We talked about things that are relevant for teenagers. We learned that it is important to understand who you trust. We also learned  that we should respect each other and honor each other. Also, we have to be responsible for our actions, deeds, and words; we should be honest with ourselves, as well as with each other; to be diligent and help parents and family. It is important to show sympathy to others, so as not to have a stone heart, otherwise the people will not be sincere with us either.

“We really want to say thank-you for sharing such practical and important words for us. We are thankful to our leaders for this camp for us! We liked the ‘mail day’ because we could write nice words to each other.”

Zhenya, (12) and Eva (6) were brought to the camp by their mother, Inna, who wrote the following words:

“I would like to heartily thank the church for holding a summer camp for our children. I am sincerely grateful for your attitude towards our kids, your kindness and love, for your creativity, positive approaches, interesting games, and contests. Special thanks for the delicious food! My children are delighted, every day they talked about how much fun they had, what they learned, who they met and made friends with. We look forward to the summer camp next year!”

Oksana (who was also a leader this year), a mother of five: Serhiy (13), Sasha (12), Anya (7 ), Ilya (5), Oleksia (2) also wrote her testimony:

“I want to thank the church and those who helped to run the children’s camp. All my five children were to the camp. They really liked it, as there were interesting games, contests, snacks, interesting and useful topics about character qualities such as respect, honesty, responsibility, compassion, diligence, etc. Also, the children were learning the Bible verses by heart. It is great that even in this difficult time, the camp ministry continues, where they hear the Word of God, and get to know God.”

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, and hygiene supplies.

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