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Editor’s Note: The following testimony and images were provided by an SGA team member in Ukraine.

The people are growing weary.  Not only the people, but the churches too.  They have faithfully ministered to others since the war began.  Please pray for extra strength, energy, courage, comfort, and mostly peace for their hearts.  Let us not forget our brothers and sisters in Christ who so greatly need our support and encouragement.  These are the words from Angela, our SGA team member in Ukraine . . .

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I know you’re probably tired of hearing about the war. Bad news and photos of ruins are so far away, especially when there are so many problems you’re already dealing with. It’s a fallen world, for sure. Yet can you stop and imagine, for just a moment what it’s like to . . .

  • stand and wait in long lines for drinking water, daily 
  • walk into a gas station where a song is playing on the loudspeakers with some background noises, similar to the whistle of a missile, and fall to the ground in fear 
  • lie awake wishing you could fall asleep but the fear of not waking up allows you only a half an hour worth of sleep in the early morning hours when the air raid siren finally turns off 
  • have to deal with news of your friends getting injured—or worse—dying on the front line 
  • be confined to the borders of your country and not have the luxury of traveling because you’re a military-aged male who can be conscripted into the army at any given moment 
  • live with the fear and pressure of “the war will continue not only for months, but years.” 
  • look into the eyes of widows and your brain searching to find some words, to no avail 
  • pass by ruined houses and apartments knowing that there are families and their dreams buried under that rubble 
  • pray and pray and pray, but find no answers to those prayers . . .

That’s a tiny snapshot of what’s going on in Ukraine. We’re tired. Our country is tired. And yes, our churches are tired . . . so please, continue lifting up our hands. Continue supporting in any way you can. Continue writing friends in Ukraine and tell them that you remember. We’re trying to live as normal a life as we can. But we need those prayers, even more than you know.

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, and hygiene supplies.

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