Therefore, since we have this ministry,
as we received mercy, we do not lose heart (2 Corinthians 4:1).
It’s been demonstrated many times that our God can use simple acts of compassion and mercy by His people to change lives for eternity. For many years, SGA has helped supply evangelical churches across the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) with food, clothing, and other humanitarian aid to distribute to needy individuals and families—always in the name of the Lord Jesus and with the Gospel.
Sergei G. is an SGA-sponsored missionary pastor in Belarus. Not long ago, he shared several short testimonies from his compassion ministry and how God works to reach lost souls one by one. Some repent immediately, yet with others, the Holy Spirit works in their hearts over time . . .
Right now I’m reaching out to Andrei, who was a builder. He is 28 years old. Three years ago, Andrei was working on a project and fell off of high construction staging. He is now an invalid and can no longer stand. He lives alone and uses a wheelchair. He is very open to the Gospel and desires to learn God’s Word. He has begun to attend our Sunday church service, and I hope he will soon come to the Lord in repentance . . .
Andrei and Elena
While ministering to Andrei, we got to know Elena, who turned out to be a friend of Andrei’s—they’ve known each other since Elena was a child. Andrei told us that Elena helped him after the accident. She visited him in the hospital and at home. Elena is now 18 years old and lives with her mother. She is also pregnant, but there is no information about her baby’s father. They are in great need and her baby will be born soon. I am glad to have a chance to help them all with food packages. Elena is very open to the Gospel and agreed to visit the church. I hope to continue to help Elena and share the Gospel.
Throwing out a Gospel Lifeline
In addition to those who have been on Sergei’s list for compassion ministry food distribution, the Lord brings others to his attention through the church . . .
I heard about a woman named Nadezhda from a sister in the church who works in a local shopping center. Nadezhda is employed there also as a cleaner. Apparently, the manager was very angry with Nadezhda over her work. Nadezhda was depressed and told our sister, “If I lose my job, I will commit suicide by hanging.” Her financial struggles are so bad that for two days she only had hot water with sugar instead of a normal lunch because she didn’t have money.
Nadezhda is a single mother with three children. Her oldest son is 17 and has enrolled in college. Her middle son is 14 and her youngest—a daughter— is six. God touched my heart when I heard about this family’s needs. I connected with Nadezhda by phone and got her to agree to a meeting. We came to her home with a food package. Words could not express her gratitude, and the tears made her eyes shine. She looked like she had received something very precious. She said that the food package is a great help for her, and she couldn’t believe people like us existed.
Sergei’s daughter and Nadezhda (right)
We also helped to supply her children with things for school and invited her to the church. And Nadezhda, indeed, attended with her children and she wants to have ongoing fellowship with us. I have asked my oldest daughter and her husband, Vasily, to keep ministering to this family. Pray with us for their salvation!
Each month, SGA partners are providing food parcels to nearly 500 impoverished families in Belarus, Ukraine, and Central Asia. Aid is also distributed in Russia and other CIS nations as needs arise and God provides. In Ukraine, ministry continues through our Crisis Evangelism Fund for families impacted by the ongoing separatist violence in eastern Ukraine. We are thankful to God and to you for making these outreaches possible.