290730 Sga 2024 Sga.org Stories 7 30 Social Post 1 Wordpress Preview 460x460 V1
Sep 03, 2024
Editor’s Note: The following testimony and image are provided by an SGA Storyteller in Poland.

The story below is personal for SGA Storyteller Dominika. Her family knows just how difficult it can be to wait for unanswered prayers. Trusting in God’s sovereignty is sometimes the only thing one has to lean on. It is in these times where we have the great privilege to grow closer to God.

We can either make the choice to fall into the depths of despair, or we can keep our eyes focused on the One who understands far beyond our capability. He leads us down a path where He uses our hardships to show His glory. 

Dominika’s family has done that for quite some time now. They have faithfully cared for their dear daughter even in their lack of understanding and wondering why this would be His will for her life. Through years of seemingly unanswered prayers, they have faithfully kept praying for wisdom, strength, peace, and patience. They have felt God’s hand upon them and trusted Him with what He has allowed for their earthly journey. Yet they hang on to the promise of what the future holds. One day, they will rejoice with Donata as they lift their voices together and sing praises to their Heavenly Father. Please pray for Dominika’s family as they walk this road with Donata.

“This time I would like to present the story of my sister. Donata is 37 years old and because of a car accident, she has been in an apallic state for 19 years. An apallic syndrome is a state in which the patient is conscious, but there is a lack of consciousness and lack of contact with the environment. Such a person requires complete care, and this care is very difficult and demanding. Donata is cared for by her parents, who quit their jobs shortly after the accident and devoted their entire lives to it. At first, we deeply believed that we would be able to restore her to health quickly and we prayed fervently for this. However, time has shown that the damage she suffered in the accident is so severe that, from a human point of view, she will probably never recover. Donata underwent solid neurological rehabilitation, but for years it did not bring results. Her condition did not improve for years, and she did not regain consciousness despite the intense prayers of not only her family, but also many believers in Poland and other countries.

This summer it will be 19 years since Donata’s accident, 19 years she has been lying in her bed. For 19 years, her parents have been taking care of her despite very hard work and many difficulties. They do it with a prayer on their lips because they believe in God’s sovereignty in human life. They also experience God’s grace in their difficult, everyday life. It is not easy to watch your child suffer for so many years, but thanks to God’s promises, they are joyful and faithfully proclaim God’s grace to others.

In the last month, Donata suffered from very serious pneumonia, which worsened her overall condition. She and her family need a prayer for perseverance and strength. For some reason, God prolongs her life. We want to believe that His ways are perfect and the best, even though we so often do not understand them. Donata gave her life to the Lord Jesus when she was 15 years old. I know that God is with her, He has her in His care, and she feels His presence. Please pray for Donata and her family.”

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