Please pray that orphaned children will experience God’s love

Orphaned and abandoned children in former Soviet nations need the love and hope of Jesus. You can help change an “unwanted” child’s life for eternity through your prayers.

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Pray that more children will respond to the love of Jesus!


Yes, I will pray for orphans who feel unwanted and unloved!

As our thanks for your willingness to pray for these children, you can download your FREE copy of Much Prayer, Much Power.

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FREE, inspiring eBook. Learn how you can pray with power!

The founder of Slavic Gospel Association (SGA), Peter Deyneka, experienced the power of prayer in his life and
ministry, seeing millions of Bibles delivered behind the Iron Curtain. His inspirational book, Much Prayer, Much
, will help you learn how to overcome anything through prayer too! You can immediately download this 90-
page inspirational eBook as thanks for your willingness to pray for hurting children in former Soviet Nations.

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90 Years of Sharing the Gospel, Equipping the Church, and Helping the Forgotten

For decades SGA’s (Slavic Gospel Association) ministry has reached across 8.5 million square miles of former Soviet Union nations to help share the Gospel, equip the church, and help the forgotten. Because of the prayer support, kindness, and financial generosity of many Christians, SGA-supported missionary pastors are able to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ

SGA is firmly committed to good stewardship of funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. We promise to use your gifts wisely and effectively in Christ’s name. Slavic Gospel Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible in full or in part. EIN: 36-2428314

Young Lives Are Being Transformed Through the SGA-supported Orphans Reborn ministry!

It is estimated that 50,000 children become orphans each year. Yet out of this tragedy, the fields are ripe for a harvest of young souls! Every year, SGA helps biblically sound churches reach out through our Orphans Reborn program in five countries. Here’s how it works:

  • Hurting children learn that there is a God who deeply loves them. Most of these orphans have never been told who Jesus is. They are overjoyed to learn that God sent His Son to die for their sins, that Jesus rose from the dead, and that He offers to forgive their sins and give them new and eternal life.
  • Orphans Reborn volunteers from the churches we serve minister to at-risk children and teens. They reach out with humanitarian aid, love, Bibles, and often weekly discipleship.
  • Orphans connect with local churches through the help of Orphans Reborn volunteers. When they leave the orphanages, these children have a family of believers to help them build new lives.
Learn more about Orphans Reborn
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Pray that more children will respond to the love of Jesus!


Yes, I will pray for orphans who feel unwanted and unloved!

As our thanks for your willingness to pray for these children, you can download your FREE copy of Much Prayer, Much Power.

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