When SGA-supported Pastor Mykola’s church began four aid centers that became four church plants during the Ukraine war, one of these congregations reached a couple who both share the name of Sasha. They told their story recently to SGA’s Eric Mock and explained how the war increased their desire to know God.
“You had to wear a ribbon on your arm or you could be certain to get shot,” Sasha (the wife) remembers of when the invading began almost one year ago. The opposition forces staged heavy military equipment at a park in their town, and no one was allowed to use mobile phones.
But when the Ukrainian Army came to liberate their community, Sasha says it was like getting their life back . . . although the stores were destroyed, food was non-existent, and the water had been cut off. Then God provided when Mykola’s church wanted to establish an aid center in their town, and Sasha (the husband) joined in to help prepare the much-needed outreach. People who had been starving received food, a sports camp for youth was held, and church services offered the spiritual sustenance that many — like Sasha and Sasha — hungered for. “So many people came,” Sasha (the wife) says. “First 20, then 50, then 250. Much of the aid was from Poland [from SGA-supported partners].”
As the couple attended the services, they began learning from God’s Word from SGA-supported Pastor Ruslan, who comes to preach at the new church. Sasha and Sasha had visited an Orthodox Church on occasion before the war, but now they were hearing truths they had never heard before. Sasha (the wife) knew about the Ten Commandments from school, but the world where she grew up in was atheistic. In fact, when Sasha was a school teacher, she was even required to be a member of the Communist Party.
Today, the couple can see that God worked all things together to bring them to this life-changing moment. They are reading the Bible, and their understanding of the Lord is growing. Now, both Sashas say, they hunger for more.
Watch a special message of gratitude from Sasha (the wife) and hear Erick Mock explain — with a translator’s help — how generous friends like you are giving to meet their needs so that God is glorified and Ukrainians will know Christ:
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.