Help the next generation discover God’s plan and purpose for their lives.
While at camp, children hear the life-changing message of the Gospel from camp counselors who take time to establish relationships with them — and demonstrate Christian love and godly character.
Pastors and leaders within SGA-supported churches are seeing the vast potential of youth ministry and its impact on their communities. Their youth are IN ministry rather than merely receiving ministry themselves, and they are the next generation of young men and women who God is calling to proclaim the Gospel today.
Summer Camp
Many children come from hardship, poverty, and war. They want to meet Jesus!
More than 800 SGA-sponsored churches in former Soviet nations see Summer Bible Camps result in more children coming to Christ than almost any other outreach. Each year, we expect more than half of the campers will come from non-believing, even atheistic, homes or false religions. Thousands will come from orphanages, and many will have suffered the devastation of war, economic distress and poverty, alcoholism among parents, and more challenges. But every life is an opportunity to meet Jesus and experience His truth and love. Each camper is provided with a Children’s Bible or Christian literature. By bringing the Word of God to just one child, an entire struggling family can be transformed for Christ!