Impact children, whole families, and even entire communities with the Good News!
With your gift for SGA’s Immanuel’s Child Outreach you will bring the hope of the Gospel to “hopeless” girls and boys in Russia and the surrounding countries at Christmastime. Every $25 you share helps provide one hurting child with:
Support Immanuel’s Child
With your gift for SGA’s Immanuel’s Child Outreach, you will bring the hope of the Gospel to “hopeless” girls and boys in Russia, the former Soviet countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia at Christmastime.
A caring Christian will hand your gifts and ornaments to girls or boys this Christmas. Make your gift now to ensure we have time to ship ornaments to orphans, children, and families in time for Christmas.
By God’s grace, we want to lead 20,000 children to faith in Jesus!
Download the Immanuel’s Child Church Video