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Editor’s Note: The following report, testimonies, and images are provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

For many Ukrainians who have suffered during the war, it is the loving actions of Christians that first touch their hearts. As Matthew writes in chapter 25, verse 40 . . . The King will answer and say to them, Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me. Believers are living out this directive. As they reach out to meet emergency physical needs—including food aid and hygiene supplies provided through the generosity of friends like you—grateful Ukrainians see God’s people serving Him.

You can see this in one of the testimonies SGA-supported Pastor Volodymyr shares with his recent ministry report. “Everything the church receives from their partners from abroad, they share with us,” a woman named Natalia says. “It is so nice that people who believe and love God show us an example of sacrifice. I want to learn from them, so I attend Sunday worship services in order to listen carefully to the Word of God and understand what He wants to say to my heart.”

Read more her testimony and others in Volodymyr’s report . . .

Dear friends, greetings to you in Jesus’ Name!

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of our country by Russia, I have been ministering among IDPs [internally displaced persons] in several villages. We have received and are still receiving a lot of great words of gratitude and kind feedback from the people who have lost almost everything and who were forced to move to our region from many different places. They are all thankful for the food aid they get from SGA and other supporters. So, we can serve all these people.

I would like to sincerely thank SGA and the brothers and sisters who organize this invaluable support for our IDPs. This is also the way we can contact with them and share the Scripture.

May the Lord be proclaimed through this ministry!


Here are four testimonies . . .

Testimony #1
Ministering To Others And Serving The King Testimony 1

My name is Iryna. I was born in 2005 in a port city in Ukraine. I finished school very well and dreamed of getting a good profession. But the war covered us with a black blanket, and from the first days of the full-scale invasion, it threatened not only my dreams but also my very life. Fleeing the horrors of war, I, along with my parents and brothers, were forced to leave our home and seek a refuge in a distant and yet unknown [Ukrainian] region.

Now our family shares a rented house with some friends and IDPs like us. Unfortunately, we are forced to be here, as there is no way to go back. The war took away our family home. But, thank God, we are alive. Currently, my family and I are going through extremely difficult times in a new place. I thank everyone, and especially those who made it possible for us to receive these products. Through this we see God’s kindness and care for us.

Testimony #2
Ministering To Others And Serving The King Testimony 2

My name is Tatiana. I came from a once cozy, picturesque port city, which is dear to my heart. Unfortunately, there are only ruins of our house now. Therefore, from the first days of the war until now, a very beautiful, picturesque village in [this region] has become a second home for me and my family.

I am grateful for the food that I received from Baptist believers and their church. This is an amazing blessing for us. I will tell you all honestly that it is extremely difficult for us at the moment.

But we have met people who believe in God, and through them God is showing us many miracles. Most importantly, God gives us hope and strength to overcome external circumstances and move forward. Through the care of believers about us, we see God’s care and His love. Thank you all for your efforts and for your ministry.

Testimony #3
Ministering To Others And Serving The King Testimony 3

My name is Valentina. I am originally from a city in northern Ukraine. It was only by the miracle of the Lord God that I was able to leave with the very first people to evacuate when we heard about the [invaders’] attack on February 24, 2022. The bridge was not destroyed yet, and I ended up in [this] region. I lost everything I had, everything I had gained, and here in the middle of winter I had to rely on other people. But they showed me sincere sympathy and shared my loss. They helped me with clothes, housing and everything I needed.

I am sincerely grateful to Christians for visiting us regularly, for bringing food, various cereals, canned food, and even treats. I am also grateful for the detergents and hygiene products they bring us. Through such care and sincere love, we see that God is very close to those who need Him. I am grateful to everyone who donated these products. I sincerely wish all the sponsors, the mission, that you all be happy, healthy and never know what the war is and never have any need for bread! I hug you all and thank you for everything.

Testimony #4
Ministering To Others And Serving The King Testimony 4

My name is Natalia. I was born and in an Ukrainian port city. I worked there all my life. But because of the terrible war, I was forced to leave my home and, taking only the most necessary things, fled by evacuation train. I did not know where that train would take me. However, I ended up in [this] region. People here are friendly, sincere Christians. Thanks to them, I have a place to live.

I am sincerely grateful to the believers for coming to me and taking care of me. I regularly receive humanitarian aid through the Baptist Church such as food and hygiene products.

Everything the church receives from their partners from abroad, they share with us. It is so nice that people who believe and love God show us an example of sacrifice. I want to learn from them, so I attend Sunday worship services in order to listen carefully to the Word of God and understand what He wants to say to my heart. I sincerely thank you for caring about all the suffering people in these difficult times. Unfortunately, I am among them now. Thank you!

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, and hygiene supplies.

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