Editor’s Note: The images below were provided by an SGA-supported regional pastor in Ukraine.

At churches in SGA-supported Pastor Igor’s region in Ukraine, believers in Christ are “making the most of every opportunity” (Ephesians 5:16a) to help their fellow Ukrainians.  

The congregations, Pastor Igor says, are receiving 1,000 people each day who are fleeing toward safety and need food and shelter for the night. What’s more, the churches are using their 20+ vans to help evacuate people from the active war zone and transport them to safer areas of Ukraine. 

Please pray with us for Pastor Igor and the brothers and sisters in Christ in each congregation. May the Lord guide, bless, and protect their efforts to meet both physical and spiritual needs in Jesus’ name. “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance” (Psalm 27:7). 

In a time of great fear and uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported churches and Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support. 

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes food for 10 days, medicine, warm clothing, shoes, and Scripture materials.


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