From the Brest region in Belarus
With your help, a lot of teenagers came to our camp sessions and they were interested in learning about their need for salvation. After we prayed with them and most of them had left, a young boy named Denis came running up. He wanted to know if foul language was a sin and how he could be rid of the habit. After we talked for a while, he prayed and ran off again, but I saw tears in his eyes. At the evening camp service, Denis repented and trusted in Christ!
Nastya is from a non-believing family. Her mother told us that Nastya was uncontrollable, did poorly at school, her room was in disarray, she was both insolent and profane. But that evening, Nastya also repented. She enjoyed the camp more than she had enjoyed her family’s trip to Spain and the UAR. She couldn’t stop telling her mother about all that had taken place at camp, and her mother said she didn’t recognize her child!
Another boy named Stepan came to camp. We could tell by the seriousness of his questions that God was at work in him. He was saved that evening, to the joy of his sister Azniv, who is one of our team members. She had been praying for her brother that day. But the very next day, Azniv was killed in an automobile accident. Please pray for Stepan and the rest of the family as they deal with this tragedy.
In all, there were 12 girls and three boys who repented at the camp’s evening meeting. Words cannot describe this, and it was the most memorable day in the life of our children’s ministry team. Now these children are part of our Youth Center church team, and we meet every Saturday for fellowship. Dear friends, thank you for providing children’s Bibles and other literature for our camp, and for your prayers and financial support!