After the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 and ministry in the constituent countries became possible, one of the first things noticed by Western Christians who visited was the deep poverty that existed across much of society. The atheistic communist system had wrecked the economy, and the collapse of the system made poverty even worse. Over the next 30 years, things got better in some regions, but in others there was little to no change. Today, poverty is heightened even more by armed conflict in several regions plus a deadly pandemic.
Along with others on the SGA staff, I have seen this poverty up close and it is heartbreaking. But along with the heartbreak and devastation, I have seen the joy and thanksgiving that results when faithful missionary pastors and church workers distribute aid that our partners helped provide. We all rejoice when we receive the wonderful reports from the churches testifying about how the love of Christ being shown to a needy family opened the door for the Gospel, and how new men, women and children have been born into the family of God as a result.
Since the deadly COVID-19 pandemic began spreading across Russia and her neighboring countries, SGA partners have helped churches take much needed food and other aid to hurting families. This is in addition to SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry already taking place in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, and other countries. As you’ll see in the article on the Euro-Asiatic Baptist Federation in this issue of Good News Report, the existing network of sound Bible-teaching churches is foundational to ensuring that urgently needed help gets to where it needs to go the most. And along with the humanitarian aid, entire families are hearing about the hope of the Gospel—the Lord using the tragic circumstances to bring many to a saving knowledge of Himself.
I can’t express my thanks enough for all that you do in your partnership with SGA! We will keep pressing on as the Lord provides and grants the opportunities. Pray with us for a bountiful harvest of souls as His love is proclaimed.
For our Savior,
Michael Johnson