Your gifts help take Gospel truth to 225 children in Far East Russia

Elena R.
SGA-Supported Orphans Reborn ministry in Far East Russia

Dear friends, greetings to you! I would love to share with you about God’s wondrous works around Easter and beyond. 

Elena uses paper dolls to teach a lesson in Orphanage 10.
Elena uses paper dolls to teach a lesson in Orphanage 10.
Children and adults learned about Christ’s atoning death

At Orphanage 10, we held a pre-Easter lesson using paper dolls and taking part in various activities. These pre-Easter events explained about what the Lord did for all people, including the children and educators of the orphanage. The children are always interested in taking part in activities and games. At the first two meetings, we talked about the events of the last week before the Crucifixion. The children and adults in attendance heard about God’s plan of salvation through the death of His Son on the cross.

Then they heard about His resurrection!

Next, it was a great joy to prepare and hold the Easter celebration for the children and adults. Representatives of three churches took part in the preparation for the special Gospel program—the cave, spears, the costumes, and took part in the program itself. It has been a blessed time of ministering together. During the gathering, we touched upon the topic of sin, having presented a scene focused on the death of Christ, and a scene about His resurrection. A message was then delivered about the truth of the resurrection. 

In the end, everyone was given a gift of puzzles on a biblical theme. The children were very happy with the gifts. In the next two lessons after Easter holidays, we talked about the facts that serve as the evidence of the Resurrection. The children heard the facts, and then retold them. The last session was in April, and we talked about the character traits that the children acquired and how Jesus helped them.

The children were thankful for the puzzles with the biblical themes.
The children were thankful for the puzzles with the biblical themes.
We prayerfully followed up

At this orphanage, we were able to hold five meetings in April attended in total by 130 children. Both the adults and children thanked us for performing the Bible stories in which they could recognize their character and deeds. Nikita, the oldest boy in the orphanage, came up to me and said, “Thank you for the books. I read them and it helps me learn more about Christ and how I can believe in Him!” At another orphanage, we held two meetings before Easter, talking about Passion Week events and the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. As we visit the children every Sunday, we are able to unlock for them the truths of Scripture. We explained the difference between Palm Sunday and the events before Christ’s death. We had a good talk in a group, which then continued in individual conversations and prayers.

Igor presents a message on Thomas.
Igor presents a message on Thomas.

After Easter, we were able to hold two more meetings, as we talked about application of biblical truths. We also showed the children a presentation with their photos. They rejoiced and thanked us. It was such a joyous time. Igor presented the message about Thomas, explaining to the children why he was known as “doubting Thomas.” Later, the children asked to watch the photo presentation and the story about Thomas again. 

In total, we were able to hold 5 lessons attended totally by 95 children. We thank the Lord for opportunities to share His truths by His grace and mercy; for these truths being understood by the children, for their interest in the Bible, and for the opportunity for us to preach the Gospel to adults!

You are part of this ministry!

We are grateful for your participation through your prayers and financial support, and also for opportunities to give gifts and attend to the needs of the fatherless. Glory to our One God and Savior Jesus Christ and may the Lord bless you!

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Life-Changing Work