The plight of orphan children across Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Central Asia is truly heartbreaking. While some of these lonely, forgotten, and troubled boys and girls are true orphans, the majority are “social orphans” who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect by alcoholic parents. Then when they turn 18, they are forced to leave the orphanage and face life on the streets with little support. That’s what makes SGA’s Orphans Reborn ministry so vitally important. Reaching these little ones for Christ can change their lives and give them a hopeful future.
The prayers and support of SGA partners accomplish so much more in serving Bible-preaching churches in the CIS—providing Russian-language Bibles and Christian literature, Bible training, children’s ministries, compassion ministry, and help for missionary pastors in the field proclaiming the Gospel. Please pray about how you can help today!