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Add Your Name to the Prayer & Encouragement Wall for Frontline Pastors!

Our team will pass on this prayer wall to frontline pastors all over the former Soviet Union to encourage them as they labor to bring the love and Gospel of Christ to their churches, the hurting, widows and orphans, and many others.

Dear Pastor, May God bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! As one of your brethren in the United States, I thank you for your service to Jesus in preaching the Gospel and reaching out to your community in His love. Please know that I and many others are praying for you and, through the Slavic Gospel Association, support your sacrifices for our Lord.

In Jesus name,

Дорогой пастор, да благословит Вас Бог во имя Господа нашего Иисуса Христа!

Вместе с моими американскими братьями во Христе благодарю Вас за ваше служение Иисусу Христу, за вашу любовь к своей общине и проповедь Евангелия. Я хочу, чтобы Вы знали, что мы молимся о Вас и через Славянское Евангельское Общество поддерживаем Ваше жертвенное служение, которое Вы совершаете ради нашего Господа.

Во Христе,

Add Your Name to the Prayer & Encouragement Wall

By submitting, you agree for you first name and last initial to appear on the Prayer & Encouragement Wall.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Thank you to all who have signed up and committed to praying for these heroes of the faith who labor for Christ despite facing war, poverty, and even persecution.

Roseann D., Lansing IL

Andrew D., Plano

Kerman & Novena K., Redwood City

Denis C.

Isabelle S., New York

Charles G., Dallas

Susan H., Austin

Keith W., Pittsburgh

Amanda R., Houston

Laurie A., Birmingham

Gene G., Atlanta

Kelly B., Memphis

Robert W., Kansas City

Nancy H., Dallas

Cathy R., Maryland

Byron B., San Antonio

Holly L., Austin

Donnette M., Blythewood

Natalie L., Stillman Valley

Merle C., Searcy

Joe G., Whittier

Dean C., Carlisle

Ervin K., Stratford

Patrick B., Ocala

Naomi S., PA

Joseph M., Maricopa

Greg T., Williamsburg

Lydia K., Chesapeake

Tracy H., Lindstrom

Todd & Mary A., McKinney

Neale Duane P., Oshkosh

Shelly C., Carson City

Erica A., Brooklyn

Phil & Suzy G., Wood Village

Owen M., East Aurora

Anne-Nell A., Rome

Sandra S., Kansas City

Thomas A., McKinney

Bobbie U., Deerfield

Kenneth N., Mount Dora

Jacqueline A., Bainbridge

Jack K., Syracuse

Nelson H., Elk Grove Village

Kelly S., Apopka

Beverly M., Connellsville

Donna M., Denver

Rosemary W., Cloquet

Robert F., Lexington Park

Vernetta M., Leesburg

Raymond K., Burleson

Harold A., Dryden

John C., Tamarac

Bernard W., Kiowa

David & Virginia S., Auburn

Peggy V., Warrenton

Donald R., Milwaukee

Claude H., Fort Washington

Sandra G., Marina

Don A., Eden

Kenneth N.,

Scott P., Lenoir

Timothy P., Venice

Patrick L., Westfield

Phillip S., Michigan City

Gordon W., Charleston

Beryl C., East Windsor

Connie H., Riverbank

Noemi M., La Villa

Linda H., Henderson

Bradford R., Gallatin

Arthur T., Orrville

Carol C., Saint Paul

William & Carol M., Cumming

Carole F., Houghton Lake

Mr. & Mrs. Max R., Grottoes

Richard H., Siren

John A., Carol Stream

April B., Trout Creek

Jeron H., Onekama

Martha R., Rolla

Mary R., Wrightsville

Dale J., Morristown

Rosemarie V., Coraopolis

Leslie L., Philadelphia

Lois G., Fredericksburg

Sherilyn T., Windham

Greg K, Goshen

Cathleen P., Bruce

Catherine K., Ansonia

Maryann P., Bethlehem

Alan J., Oceanside

Eugene N., Nanticoke

Anne M., Larchmont

Lesley-Anne B., Berryville

Larry B., Albany

Hanna V., Long Beach

Robert H., Richmond

Ronald K., Baton Rounge

Vernon R., Newport

Barbara G., Baytown

Ilona O., Booneville

Sue J., Diboll

Janet H., Broomfield

Rafael I., Ceres

Arhur F., San Francisco

Quentin W., Findlay

Marguerite L., Statesboro

Patsy D., Whitesville

Florence B., Saint Helens

Tina B., Windom

Charles E., Billings

Carolyn D., Columbia

Scott C., Federal Way

Russel G., Grand Junction

Jean H., Portland

David J., Wells

Fumiko C., Howard Beach

Gaye L., Leesville


Help frontline pastors respond to urgent physical needs and open doors for the Gospel

Pastors (in SGA-supported churches we serve) are on the frontline of a physical and spiritual war for lost souls. People are impoverished, devastated by war, suffering from inflation and shortages . . . or all of these combined. But pastors in the former Soviet countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia—and those who lead Russian-speaking congregations in Israel—continue delivering the good news of the Gospel and showing compassion in tangible ways.

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