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Editor’s Note: The testimony and image below were provided by a ministry leader at an SGA-supported church in Central Asia.
Hearing The Word Of God Through Sign Language

Just as an orphan may feel alone or abandoned, a person who is deaf may sometimes feel the same way.  Not being able to hear the words of a loved one or the sounds of creation can leave one feeling very closed off. Thankfully, God’s Word transcends all disabilities!

As you will read in the report provided below, God is using Katya and her interpreters to minister to those who are unable to hear a church sermon. She is opening communication and making it possible for discipleship. These men and women are “hearing” through the sign language translation of a dear sister. They have true fellowship with other hearing believers. They sing songs using sign language. There are home visits, mentoring times, and prayer services. 

Whereas before these men and women may have felt that they lived in their own little world, they are now in community. Please pray for Katya as she continues to be the ears to many.  

We continue to serve our deaf brothers and sisters. On Sundays, the sermons in our church are also translated into sign language. After each general church service, we hold classes for the deaf where we study Bible verses with them and check their homework. In the middle of each week, we have a fellowship evening for our sisters, where we read and study the Word of God together. On Saturdays, we have a class for our deaf brothers, teaching them how to prepare their sermons.

We also visit our neighboring churches, where we participate in sermons and sing songs using sign language for the deaf. We provide assistance in translating from ordinary language to sign language and then back again within different health care settings. We also visit families in their homes to communicate with them, have conversations with them, and mentor them. Whenever possible, we provide material and food aid to the families of our deaf brothers and sisters. There are also regular prayer services with sign language interpretation.

Our dear brothers and sisters, we sincerely appreciate your prayers and your participation in the life of our church. We also have needs regarding the spiritual growth of our brothers and sisters, as well as the growth of their literacy and understanding of the Word of God. There are families where relatives are putting pressure on believers and are in opposition to them.

Please pray for such people, that the Lord will strengthen their faith, help them overcome everything they face and be faithful children of God. We also ask you to pray for the work of our interpreters, that the Lord may give them spiritual strength, health and unity. May God richly bless you! 

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