What a blessing it is to see the Church being the Church even in times of tremendous conflict and hardship! After a year of war in Ukraine, God’s people have not grown weary of caring for the displaced, the forgotten, the lonely . . . and the least of these in their midst.
We pray you are blessed to read through this recent report from an SGA-sponsored church in Ukraine that received boxes of food provided shipped from our ministry partners in Poland. The generosity of friends like you made this possible. And Iryna, Olena, Vita, Yuliya, and Valentina—and many more suffering Ukrainians—are the ones who these life-saving gifts have helped.
Please pray for them as you read their stories, and lift up the believers who continue to minister to them as they share the Gospel and the love of Christ.
Since before the full-scale war, the New Life Church in [a Ukrainian] town was actively involved in social ministry, providing aid to families who found themselves in difficult life circumstances.
At the very beginning of the invasion, we were proving shelter to people that had to flee the war. Some needed it for one or two nights, others stayed for a month. The displaced people were also provided with food, clothing, personal hygiene items and medicine.
To date, many of those who came to our town have gone abroad, returned home to the occupied territories or moved to other Ukrainian cities. However, those who have nowhere to return—occupied territories, destroyed houses, front-line towns and villages—continue living in our town, and new people are yet arriving. We continue helping them. Our ministry includes holding festive meetings and various events for the families and their children.
In addition, the theater group of our church visited the de-occupied territories of the Kharkiv region to minister the children with a performance and gifts. In the summer, we are going to run a camp for the local children and the kids from the displaced families.
Iryna lived with her husband and their twelve-year-old daughter in the town of Bashtanka. In March 2022, fierce fighting took place in their hometown. They had been hiding in the basement for more than a month without gas, electricity or water. In the end of April, they evacuated to [our town], where they are renting an apartment. Although the invaders could not capture Bashtanka, they destroyed its life. The family’s house was damaged, leaving it without a roof and windows. Iryna also lost her hairdresser’s salon business. Thanks to your support, we were able to help the family with clothes and groceries since last summer.
Olena lived in the city of Lysychansk with her two sons. The eldest son Oleksiy, 28, suffers from a severe form of epilepsy. The younger son Sasha, 12, goes to school. The family evacuated before the occupation of their town. At that time, Oleksiy had his arm and foot in a plaster cast, as he fell during one of his seizures, resulting in a broken arm, a fractured ankle-foot joint, and brain injury. In order for Oleksiy to be transported, Elena had to wait until cast was removed.
In March 2022, the family arrived [in our town] and were accommodated in a hostel. During that period, Oleksiy was taken to the hospital several times due to severe epileptic seizures, and the bones failed to heal properly and he could not walk. Olena cannot work because she should be around her son 24/7. Her younger son Sasha attends children’s events in our church. Elena heard from her neighbors back home that her house was ransacked and Chechen militants live in it. We help the family with groceries, medicines, and clothes.
Vita evacuated to our town with her parents and a two-year-old daughter from Snigurivka. The family lived for 15 days under occupation. When they decided to leave, the occupiers told them not to, but Vita’s father firmly decided to leave. For several days, they went through checkpoints under fire to the free territory. Only later did they learn that the entire transport column of those who waited and left later was shot. God saved Vita’s family who were going into the unknown just to get away from the war.
Vita’s mother found a job here . . . so they decided to stay, renting an apartment. We have been helping with food and clothing since last summer. The family is always very grateful for support.
Yuliya and Valentina are sisters. They came [here] in May with their children: Yulia with her son Yaroslav, nine, and Valentina with her daughter Ulyana, 10. They lived in the village of Metropol. Their village was occupied in the first days of the invasion. They evacuated in the end of April with great difficulty under firing. Their parents remained living in the village. Both women have health problems, having endured surgeries here in [our town]. One of the local churches provided shelter for the women and their kids. The sisters attend the church services, and the children attend the children’s Christian club of our church. Thanks to your support, we have been helping them with groceries and clothes since last summer.
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.