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Editor’s Note: The report, image and videos below were provided by SGA team members in Central Asia.

There’s more than meets the eye at Summer Bible Camp. On the surface, there are plenty of fun moments for swimming, arts and crafts, games and singing. But we also see how God works in deeper ways in the hearts of young people in the countries where SGA serves.

Like 13-year-old Alexei who says:

“When I firstly came here, I was so impressed how beautiful the nature is here. We were swimming and hiking in the mountains, and after we were having deep conversations about God.

I did not know who God was at first, and after others helped me to understand. They read the Bible and explained to me that God is looking after all of us. He gave us life and also sent His only begotten Son to take our sins, so everything is good for us.”

SGA team member Sasha who works with his wife Diana, as well as his mother Larissa, recently sent a report of how this year’s Summer Bible Camp season is going in their community in Central Asia. You can see how this special time is drawing more children and youth, and what additional amenities are needed for the camp to keep growing and providing a meaningful experience for the campers. He writes . . .

On June 12, we started the summer camp season. More than 150 children and teenagers have already taken part in it. And we expect about 100 more teenagers and 40 young people. We are very grateful for the help last year in the construction of the canopy. It helps us a lot, because most of the events take place under it. Also this year we want to start building a sports ground, which we really need. At the moment, we have to pay for the rent of the field, these are additional costs, and we do not always have free time that is convenient for us.

 Watch Summer Bible Camp in action . . .

See more of Sasha (Alexander) and Diana’s ministry in Central Asia . . .

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