241003 Sga 2024 Ukraine War Stories 9 19 Social Post 1 Wordpress Preview 460x460 V1
Editor’s Note: An SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine provides the following testimonies.

Here are two short testimonies that remind us of the hardship the people of Ukraine face every day, and the faithful ministry of the missionary pastors we serve. The ongoing generosity of friends like you is greatly need to equip the churches we serve to continue offering emergency help and hope. Though the war has become more intense in recent months, the advancement of the Gospel only grows stronger!

As you read through the testimonies from two widows below, will you rejoice to see God meet their pressing needs through an SGA-supported church’s outreach? We thank God that He is . . . a judge for the widows (Psalm 68:5). Praise Him with us for how He protects and provides for these hurting Ukrainians—and many more!

Testimony #1 

My name is Galyna. I am 62 years old . . . Unfortunately, I was left alone with my only son, without a husband, my husband died 25 years ago. I raised my son on my own and helped him get a university education. I enjoyed being a mother and had great expectations for my son.

But the war came. The frontline was only three miles away from our village. It was at the very beginning of the war. Our whole village was shaking from powerful explosions. Many houses were destroyed. People fled wherever they could to get away from the hell of war.

My family was not spared from the mobilization. My son was also taken to the war front. I was left alone. Five months ago I received the news that my son has been missing since then. This news undermined my health. I have lost both my sleep and the meaning of life. I am very grateful to the church and everyone who remembers me and supports me. 

Thank you for the hospitality, for the food package you provided for me. It warms my heart and gives me hope that I am not alone and there are people who care about me. Please, pray for my son, that he would be found and returned home to his mother alive.

Testimony #2

My name is Nadiya. I am 72 years old. I raised five children and am now a widow. I used to live in Donetsk until 2014. But with the outbreak of war, I was forced to urgently leave the occupied territory, as there were life-threatening hostilities. There were also difficult conditions that were not suitable for a normal life: pharmacies did not work, there was no electricity or heat, and there was a shortage of food and water.

Now I live in a village in [a different region]. I don’t have my own home here, my pension is small, so it’s a little difficult for me. But I trust only in the Lord.

And now God has sent me such a wonderful food aid through the church. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has donated and taken care of me. This is a very important and necessary help for me.

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, and hygiene supplies.

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