Your Prayers and Support Help Missionary Pastors Reach Old and Young Alike

Khakim S.
SGA-Supported Missionary Pastor in Russia

My dear brothers and sisters, I greet you! I want to tell you a bit about the people with whom we work. 

Bible study group at Khakim's home.
Bible study group at Khakim’s home.
Dmitri and Ann – Pray for this father and daughter!

The first is a man named Dmitri. He is the father of one of my students. He is an alcoholic and goes on binges that can last from two to three weeks. I talked to him a lot about the Lord and salvation, but thus far he rejects the Gospel. I invited him to our home Bible study group that I organized for young students and their parents. I was sure he would not come to the group meeting. Then someone knocked at the door. I opened it and saw Dmitri and his daughter, Ann. I exclaimed, “Dmitri! I bet it will be snowing today. It is a miracle that you came!” When our meeting was over, Dmitri and Ann left the apartment, but two minutes later they came back. I saw snow on Dmitri’s shoulders. I was shocked to see it. He said that I told him about snow. I said it was a sign from God, and Dmitri had to believe. Dmitri attended two more meetings in the group, and then he stopped coming. Please pray for his salvation. 

As for Ann, she confessed her sins at our sports camp last year. She wanted to abandon the habit of filthy communication most of all. She was eight years old then. It was the influence of her parents. Even at her young age, Ann drank alcohol (also the example of her parents) and smoked. After her confession, she stopped filthy communications and doing other bad things. It is hard to say if she is born again, although I can say that God is working with her and continues to work. Ann also told me that she stopped using filthiness. She can hardly stay indifferent when her parents say bad words. 

Once, while traveling with her father in a car, she asked him to switch off the songs with bad words, that he was listening to. Ann asked him to stop listening to such songs. Now he does not listen to such songs in the car when Ann is with him. Ann’s mother warned her that she would stop allowing Ann to attend the lessons if she did not stop reminding her about the use of bad words.

Konstantin – A battle over this young soul!

I am happy about a boy named Konstantin. He is age 11. He turned to God in the camp last year. He began to read the Bible with interest right after that. He told me several times that he wanted to be a disciple of Christ (I saw tears in his eyes). At the beginning of a new school year, I noticed that something had happened to him. The expression of his eyes changed. The look was angry. When I read Scripture before the lessons, he did not listen and something distracted him. He was aggressive and proud. Then I found out that he began to smoke. 

It turned out that he had become acquainted with local young hooligans. Strangely, when Konstantin’s parents found out that he had begun to smoke, they forbade him to attend our lessons! I talked to them, but nothing changed. I began to pray for him specifically. 

Then at our sports camp in June, Konstantin asked to talk with me. He said he wanted to repent. I asked him why he wanted to do it. He said his sins tormented him. He prayed and I prayed for him. The next day, Konstantin told his young group leader in the camp that he had gotten rid of the songs with filthy music on his phone. On the second day in the camp, my student Sofia repented, then Konstantin turned to God. The same evening, Anastasia (the mother of a student) heard the Gospel and repented the same day, asking God to forgive her sins. The next day, other pupils began to turn to God. Nine pupils out of 12 repented. Glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ! 

Please, pray that God will keep these children, that they will become His disciples, and that more children will come with the beginning of a new school year.

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