Your support brings Christ’s love to many homes like these

Editor’s Note: Four families. Four stories. We could tell you of countless thousands. Please read Pastor Pavel’s descriptions of the plights of these four families in Vitebsk, Belarus. Please read and take a moment to pray for them.

Svetlana and her two children.
Svetlana and her two children.

First, I want to tell you about Svetlana. She is a single parent, raising a son and daughter—Maksim and Alina. She works in commerce, but her salary is very small. The pandemic has hit Svetlana hard and she is not in good health as it is. The children attend school and some of their teachers have COVID-19. Svetlana is open to the Gospel and listens carefully. She understands the need for repentance but is not yet attending the church. Her faith is gradually growing, and I am praying that soon God will call her and that she will come to Him. She is so thankful to you for the help.

Grigori's family.
Grigori’s family.

Grigori is a father of four. His wife left him to raise their three children on his own, but he got married again. He has a fourth child with his new wife. They had COVID but God had mercy on them, but sadly an uncle in their family passed away at 61 years of age. Their children—Egor, Ellina, Lera, and Polina—listen to the Gospel carefully. They are all thankful for the food. Pray that they also will come to the Lord. 

Natalya is a single parent as well, with two biological children and two foster children. Her husband passed two years ago. In spite of all these hardships, she is raising two orphan children. We shared the Gospel and gave them food and Christian literature. Natalya said, “Prayer is fuel for the car!” We pray for their salvation.

The Lord cares for His children in this critical time also. Andrew and Yulia are the parents of four children, and both take an active part in the church’s ministry. Andrew helps with transport while Yulia teaches Sunday school. Yulia and one of their daughters had COVID. As we visited them and helped them with food, we shared with each other about how God takes care of His children in difficult times. They thank you with all of their hearts. I cordially thank you for your help in sowing the Gospel with families during the global pandemic, and ask that you continue to intercede in prayer.

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