Strengthening and Equipping


Jun 26, 2024

Isaiah 43:2 says When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. SGA Storyteller, Lydia, recently reported that her church caught fire and burned to the ground. This cherished building has hosted her faith community since the beginning of the conflict. Now, all that remains of the church is a single cross—a resilient symbol of God’s existing love even amid tragedy and loss.

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People Sga Helps Families Praying

You Can Help

Discipling a family today helps establish their relationship with God and builds a legacy of faith.

Bible Training

Preparing faithful pastors, teachers, youth leaders and children’s workers for lifetimes of ministry is vital for evangelical churches across Russia and SGA partners are committed to helping them.

Compassion Ministry

The faithful evangelical churches SGA serves strive to follow the example of the Lord Jesus in demonstrating His compassion by word and deed.

Ukraine Relief

Help change young lives of unwanted, broken children and give them hope and a future.

Summer Camps Youth Ministry

Each summer, the gifts of SGA partners help make it possible for hundreds of children to attend church-run Christian camps across the lands of Russia.

Orphans Reborn

Help change young lives of unwanted, broken children and give them hope and a future.

Immanuel’s Child

Help SGA bring the hope of the Gospel to “hopeless” girls and boys in Russia and the surrounding countries at Christmastime.

Missionary Pastors

Help change young lives of unwanted, broken children and give them hope and a future.

Crisis Evangelism Fund

Crisis Evangelism Fund reaches out to meet the special needs of people living in regions or countries ravaged by war, extreme violence, and acts of terror.

Jun 21, 2024

It is wonderful to see how God has used a vibrant volunteer center as a “light of hope” in Ukraine to draw more people to Himself. “People who come to our volunteer center somehow stopped calling it that, and instead, started calling it a church,” explains SGA Storyteller Angela who serves alongside her husband Val, an SGA-supported pastor. See this volunteer center turned church in action:

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Jun 13, 2024

SGA Storyteller Tatiana shares the story of a grandmother named Maria who has opened her home in Moldova to her children and grandchildren. They were struggling to meet their family’s basic needs. But then Maria’s church helped them receive food aid through SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. It was through this loving outreach that they heard the Gospel and saw the goodness of God:

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Your donation will help change lives in former Soviet countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
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