Strengthening and Equipping
Most SGA-supported pastors live on less than $450 per month. But when friends like you share generously each year through our Frontline Pastors Christmas Campaign, you help provide these sacrificial leaders with a $100 Christmas gift!. It might seem small, but it can be a profound gift of love and care. Read recent thank-you messages we received from pastors and their wives in Belarus.
Discipling a family today helps establish their relationship with God and builds a legacy of faith.
Crisis Evangelism Fund reaches out to meet the special needs of people living in regions or countries ravaged by war, extreme violence, and acts of terror.
Help change young lives of unwanted, broken children and give them hope and a future.
Help SGA bring the hope of the Gospel to “hopeless” girls and boys in Russia and the surrounding countries at Christmastime.
Preparing faithful pastors, teachers, youth leaders and children’s workers for lifetimes of ministry is vital for evangelical churches across Russia and SGA partners are committed to helping them.
Help change young lives of unwanted, broken children and give them hope and a future.
The faithful evangelical churches SGA serves strive to follow the example of the Lord Jesus in demonstrating His compassion by word and deed.
Help change young lives of unwanted, broken children and give them hope and a future.
Each summer, the gifts of SGA partners help make it possible for hundreds of children to attend church-run Christian camps across the lands of Russia.