231115 Sga Ukraine War Stories 10 26 Social Post 3 Wordpress Preview 460x460 V1
Editor’s Note: The report, images, and testimonies below were sent by two SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

Here are ministry reports from two different SGA-supported pastors in Ukraine. It is encouraging to see how their congregations are heeding Romans 12:16—through their sacrifices of doing good and sharing with Ukrainians in need. This pleases God!

As you read, remember that their ministry is your ministry as you partner with them through your generosity and prayer support. War continues to devastate Ukraine. Women have lost their husbands. Families have been torn apart. Homes have been destroyed. Countless lives have been disrupted.

And yet . . . God has given us this opportunity in the worst of times to spread the hope of the Gospel and show the love of Christ. Thank you for equipping faithful servants like Victor, Edward, and others in Ukraine.

From Pastor Victor:

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord!

I would like to express our sincere gratitude from all the churches for your constant support and assistance in this difficult time of war for our entire country. 

Looking back, we see the huge ministry we have made together. Since the beginning of the war, all the evangelical churches of the region could unite and help the displaced people here. The churches welcomed and hosted them in Houses of Prayer, and in their own homes. We prepared hot meals, distributed clothes, and shared our belongings. We especially helped mothers with small children. 

At the moment, churches continue to serve such people who have moved to our region. We hold camps for both adults and the children. Your food aid is an extremely important care for our people, for those who have suffered, for those who have lost all hope. This is God’s care and grace through your hearts and your hands, dear SGA mission and all the sponsors who join this ministry! 

We serve orphans as well (in the pictures). We strive to ensure that every person receives the New Testament along with the food package. Only this book can give peace and comfort that none of us can give. We pray for all the IDPs who come to us, that they . . . may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

From Pastor Edward:

Our church would like to express its gratitude to Slavic Gospel Association for the food aid, so we can serve Ukrainian refugees who found themselves in difficulties due to the military aggression against Ukraine and were forced to leave their homes.

We would like to share two stories of the people who receive the aid. God’s blessings to you!

Doing Good And Sharing With Ukrainians In Need 3

Testimony #1

Maria came from Oleshky, Kherson region, which is currently under occupation, and was also affected by the occupiers’ blowing up of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power dam. Maria has always tried to focus on God and used to attend the Catholic Church. But when she moved here, she began to receive help in an evangelical church where the Gospel was preached, and she realized that she needed to get to know Christ better, to pursue a good relationship with God, and to be close to Him. When she receives humanitarian aid, she is very grateful and prays for the people who provide it. There are always tears in her eyes from the joy that someone cares about her. 

Doing Good And Sharing With Ukrainians In Need 4

Testimony #2

A woman from Kherson, who lived on the left bank of the Dnipro River, survived the flood caused by the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power dam, and waited for seven days on the roof of her house for rescue. She lives with her elderly mother, who is 79 and who survived the Second World War, and now has to relive the horror of war again. When the floods receded, they decided to be evacuated with the help of volunteers. It is embarrassing for her to receive any kind of help from the people she doesn’t know as they usually would always be helping other people. And now the time has come when it is impossible to survive without help. There is not enough money. 

So, they are very grateful to SGA for remembering such people in need. She says: “I always want to thank God that there are many more good people than evil ones. We are grateful to the mission and sponsors for such a great contribution to make us happy, joyful and well-fed. We are grateful to the local church! We are grateful to God above all!

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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