vMy name is Aida. I was born into an ordinary family—I am the middle child of three girls. My parents were not particularly adherent to religion, although Dad often read from a children’s Bible. I don’t even know how we received this Bible.

When I turned 12, my parents separated. It was a very sorrowful time for me—I loved my father, and I didn’t think he would ever leave us. Yet it happened, and this is probably when I began to think about God. And I began to ponder why I was born, what would happen if I died. We had heard as children that when God loves a person and he dies, maybe God will give him another life. This was very important to me, as I wanted to be among people whom God loves.

And right at this difficult time for us, my mother encountered a believing family while at the hospital. They invited her to church, and my mother went several times to the meetings. That was how I met with them, and when I turned 15, I repented. Of course, I had many questions like other children, and this family was a blessing for me. They explained a lot to me, answered my questions, and helped me realize that I was a sinner in need of repentance. I was converted and now have a relationship with God. I had found the Father who will never leave me. My salvation was in 2002, and I was baptized in 2008.

After I graduate from the Bible institute, I want to continue ministry with children. I am very grateful to God, for me each session bears fruit. God knows what I need, and He gives very valuable truth to me. And I realize the importance of discipleship, and now I try to be a very good student and work with the young sisters. Even now I start to communicate with them. I wish to express my gratitude to those whose support made my studies possible.

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