240821 Sga Sep Cultivation Campaign Immanuels Child Website Article 2 Wp Preview V0
Editor’s Note: The image(s) and story below were provided by an SGA Storyteller in Russia.

In the story below, you will read about a faithful Orphans Reborn team who had it on their hearts to make sure every person they would meet, would hear the Gospel message. They did not want anyone to be forgotten.

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With that desire, the team held great celebrations at the orphanages AND visited hospitals where ill children might not be celebrating Christmas at all. The impact was not only on the kids, but the orphanage and hospital workers as well! And it didn’t end there! Listen to this Orphans Reborn report from Siberia and be encouraged . . .

Greetings, brothers, and sisters!

I want to share with you a particularly fruitful ministry outreach. Last year, our team was able to distribute over 500 gifts to orphans and children with disabilities in a local orphanage. It was a great opportunity for new acquaintances and a great encouragement for us. In addition to sweet gifts, Christian books and children’s Bibles, each child received a toy as well.

We made sure to consider the children’s wishes by asking them in advance about their dreams and desires. The visit to the orphanage left us with vivid memories of the children eagerly waiting for us, as they had also prepared gifts for us! They had made crafts with their own hands and had signed each with their names. This experience was incredibly precious to us, as we were accompanied by orphanage graduates who were already dedicated volunteers—ministering to the children. The management of these two orphanages had changed. The new directors contacted us easily and are willing to keep working with us. At one of the orphanages, our team was recognized as the best for community benefits and was honored by the town administration with a letter of gratitude. This also provides us with the opportunity to expand our ministry and open new “roads” in the city.

We also managed to hold Christmas parties at the children’s hospitals for pediatric cancer. Many children were there, and we showed them a puppet show. This year, we were able to purchase new quality props, which improved our Nativity play and made it more expressive. It was enjoyed not only by the children, but also by all the staff. Additionally, we presented gifts to the children, and we were supported by two schools that provided volunteers and joined us in preparing the gifts. However, since volunteers are not permitted in the hospital ward for patients who are seriously ill, we took them with us, thereby enhancing our impact on both the school staff and the pupils. We also had a chance to give them gifts, tell them about Christmas and establish new relationships.

In the children’s hospice, we used our puppet theater and held Christmas meetings with the staff, as well as with every child who was able. It was a new experience for us, and seeing the joy of the people as they learned the true meaning of Christmas made our hearts rejoice. We had a good conversation where we studied the Holy Scriptures together and attempted to help these people take the first steps in their relationship with God. Christmas is always a unique opportunity to reach people. Because, during this season, people’s hearts are most open.

Brothers and sisters, thank you for the opportunity to advance this ministry and support these children. In their early years, they are facing tremendous hardships—often beyond the capacity of even adults to cope with. Therefore, we are thrilled to be able to carry out this ministry with you! We need your prayers and are truly thankful to God and you that the Kingdom of God continues to expand!

Please pray that the seeds that have been planted in the hearts of children and staff will continue to grow. The faithful servants of SGA-supported Orphans Reborn ministry continue to have great impact in the lives of children and their communities throughout the former Soviet Union. Let’s continue to support this ministry in prayer and generosity.

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