231214 Sga 2023 Sga.org Stories 11 27 Social Post 1 Wordpress Preview 460x460 V1
Jan 25, 2024
Central Asia
Editor’s Note: The following story and image were provided by an SGA team member in Armenia.
An Open Door To The Gospel

Imagine a mother. Alone and overwhelmed, wondering how she will be able to provide for her children. With a bundle of food and the Gospel, Khafis—an SGA-supported missionary pastor involved in Compassion Ministry, has brought hope to this family in the midst of a difficult circumstance.

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As you read the story below, you will once again be encouraged as an opportunity to share the Gospel comes through an open door, provided in part through SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. The mother in this story lives in very difficult circumstances.  She was probably feeling alone and overwhelmed on the day that Khafis came to visit her with a bundle of food.  Although grateful for the food, it was the good news of the Gospel that changed her life.  Although her situation didn’t change that day, her heart was prepared through the hope she has in Jesus.  Now she lives differently within her circumstances, trusting in Lord and thanking Him for everything.  Please pray for her and for her children, and that as she continues to lean on God, her burden will become lighter.  “No matter how difficult it is sometimes, she continues to thank God and it becomes easier for her.”

“This family lives in the city near us. There are three boys and a girl in the family. They live in a tiny house. Unfortunately, the father left the family.  The eldest son assists his mother in the household, taking care of the livestock. The mother works in the field, picking cotton. The middle children look after the girl who has a heart defect. Despite the difficulties of life, this woman is not discouraged. She has a kind and compassionate heart. 

This sister heard about Christ and salvation for the first time from Khafis during a visit.  Through Khafis’s testimony about Christ, the Good News, salvation, and eternal life, her heart was deeply touched.  She was especially grateful that the Lord saved her from eternal perishing. Now her life is filled with gratitude to God; she always thanks Him for everything. She sees many changes in herself. Her desire to quarrel, swear, and curse have gone away. She feels God’s support and care. No matter how difficult it is sometimes, she continues to thank God and it becomes easier for her.  She believes that God loves her, and her family and that He will not leave she and her children alone.

When we first told her about Jesus Christ, she said she is very grateful to God for supporting her and blessing her family through our (and your) hands!”

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