With your prayers and support, they reach out to two orphans named Katya

Not long ago, we shared the wonderful story of Sonya—a young girl at an orphanage in Far East Russia—who despite her tragic background has found hope and joy in Christ. We recently received a short update from Elena, leader of the SGA-sponsored Orphans Reborn team in the region, and it is sure to encourage your hearts . . . 

I’d like to untroduce to you two orphaned girls. Sonya sent me their stories. While visiting Sonya at school to provide her with supplies and things that she needed, I saw the two girls accompanying her and had the opportunity to talk with them both. Both are named Katya. 

Katya was abandoned by her mother and abused by her father.
Katya was abandoned by her mother and abused by her father.

The first Katya is 12. Her mother abandoned her when she was two years old, and she was raised by her father. However, having a young daughter became too much a commitment for him. He would take out his resentment on the girl through a physical assault. Children’s Services intervened and Katya was sent to an orphanage. A court will later decide on her destiny—she will either be taken back by her father or end up in the orphanage. Katya asked to be given Bible lessons. She is interested in studying God’s Word, as Sonya shared Jesus with her and the importance of having faith in Him. Pray with us for this young girl and her relationship with God, and for the court’s decision regarding Katya’s future.

Katya's parents are addicted to alcohol.
Katya’s parents are addicted to alcohol.

The second Katya is also 12 years old. She is really angry and offended with her parents, who both abuse alcohol. She is also upset with God. Apparently, she had prayed for her parents to be freed of alcohol addiction, but nothing had happened. I spent time talking to Katya and told her that God really loves her; that He came on earth to die for her, was raised from the dead, and is now in Heaven; that He sent the Holy Spirit for us and wants to lavish His gift on her. I saw tears on Katya’s eyes. I promised to pray for her, but when I asked her permission to hug her, she refused. Please pray for Katya, especially for salvation and the healing of her broken heart. 

Afterward, I sent Sonya a video lesson, so that she could show it to the girls. Sonya will be leaving the orphanage at the end of the school year. We pray that she will be able to attend church and have fellowship with us. We thank the Lord for you, for being a part of our team in serving the Lord!

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