Nov 09, 2018
Missionary Pastors

SGA Partners Help Prepare Him for Fruitful Ministry



By Azimhan
Almaty Bible Institute Student

I was born in March 1993 in southern Kazakhstan. I grew up in a family where my mother was a Christian believer. However, my father rejected the faith for a long time and even persecuted my mother for her faith. But later on, he repented and gave his life to Jesus too. Growing up, I watched their lives and saw what it meant to be Christians. My father had a very difficult experience in this world.

My parents used to take me to church all the time and they taught me Christian knowledge. However, when I became a teenager I left the church and decided to live in the world. But when I turned 19, the Lord began actively working in my life. I tried to apply myself to study and prepare for life but was unsuccessful. I began to think very seriously about my condition and spiritual state. You could see that my way of life was so much like how my father had lived a long time ago, and I knew where I would end up if this continued. I also remembered how my mother lived and decided to go to a Christian camp.


Azimhan is involved with youth and camp ministry.

Azimhan is involved with youth and camp ministry.

This camp’s theme was “The Word of Living.” God worked in my heart as I heard the sermons, and at the last day of the camp an invitation was given to repent. I responded, and the changes in my life were very visible. Afterward, I attended a local Bible school and the Lord continued His work in my life and character. Next, I returned home and began to minister with a Kazakh-speaking group. I began to have a deep desire to study God’s Word, and the door opened for me to study at Almaty Bible Institute. I expect to graduate in 2019.

As I study, I am involved in developing a ministry to Turkic peoples, as well as street and tent evangelism, youth ministry, and camp ministry. I preach and participate in discipleship groups as well. Studying at Almaty is very helpful to me and helps me continue deep study into the Word of God.

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