240919 Sga 2024 Ukraine War Stories 8 1 Social Post 1 Wordpress Preview 460x460 V1
Editor’s Note: An SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine provides the following report.

Like other SGA-supported frontline pastors in Ukraine—who are sacrificial champions for Jesus—Pavel continues serving God and shepherding his church in a time of hardship. These faithful servants deserve our help—many “go without” and even struggle to provide for their own families since most pastors live on less than $450 per month.

That’s why each year we ask caring friends like you to give toward a love offering for pastors—our Frontline Pastors Christmas Campaign. It’s a wonderful opportunity to bless sacrificial leaders with a $100 gift. This is a treasure for them, and can greatly help toward necessities like groceries, snow boots, fuel for heat, car repairs for ministry, and even medical care for their families.

As you can read below in his report, Pavel is exceedingly grateful how the Lord continues to provide for food distribution and life-changing ministry . . . through the generosity of friends like you. Many church members left his congregation once their city was occupied at the beginning of the war. But today, it is growing again as is its outreach to children at a local orphanage, as well as other children and teenagers who live in their community and do not know the Lord. Here’s more from Pavel . . .

Greetings in the Lord, dear friends from SGA!

I am grateful for all the help you have provided for our region, for the needs of people in extremely difficult circumstances and situations. The life of [our] residents during the war is something you wouldn’t wish even on your enemy. It is only pain, tears that do not dry up in the eyes of mothers, wives, children.

We were under occupation for two months. Then we were able to go to [a different city] and from there we tried to bring all the necessary help here, wherever possible. People were moving as much as they could, right at the front line, just to not be under occupation. When [our city] was liberated in November 2022, we immediately returned to the church with our small team and continued to actively serve people. Before the war, there were about 400 church members in our church, and when I returned after the area was liberated, there were only 50 church members left. All those who could fled and went wherever they could. Mostly elderly church members remained. 

Now people from other churches have begun to come to our church, because many churches in [this city] have become empty. So today we have about 110 church members. Many unbelievers now come to Sunday services because we are still providing food for them. We had a baptism. Those who have been coming to church for a long time have repented. The Lord is changing their hearts and minds. 

God has mercy on us. Since the beginning of the war, there have been none killed among our Christians, although there has been a lot of destruction. And this is a true miracle! 

As soon as the war started, our church could take care of 58 children from the local orphanage because there was no one to look after them. But unfortunately, when the occupation of the city began, the [invaders] came and took all these little babies. The youngest was only four months old. We don’t know where these children are now and what their fate is. It is very painful, but no one gives us answers to all these questions. 

Now in our church . . . we have a ministry to unbelieving children and teenagers. About 30 children come every day, with whom we hold various programs, competitions, and read the Bible. Two years of COVID plus two and a half years of war. Some children are only five years old. They have not been in society. They live under constant stress, under shelling. Therefore, we, as a church, have been praying and decided to help these families. Here at the church we feed them two times a day. That is, a full-fledged ministry to children and teenagers with the goal of evangelization. Many of the children are from disadvantaged families. We have four ministers who are paid a salary and take care of these children. All these programs are held on the territory of our church, and it is a great mercy that we can welcome children here and serve them.

There are a lot of ministries, but we lack ministers. But the Lord cares about us even in these circumstances! We just have to remain faithful to Him!

Thank you for your prayers, for your support, for the food aid that has saved the lives of many people!

Pavel, Senior Pastor

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