Sergei Yakimenko
SGA-Sponsored Missionary Pastor in Kanev, Ukraine
Greetings from the Second Kanev Church and the congregation in Bobritsa! I am happy to share with you some of the events in the life of our church over the past few months. Your sacrifice and prayers for our ministry have supported us in it all!
Last summer in Kanev, I participated in the first-ever prayer breakfast, which brought together politicians, educators, cultural representatives, and clergy from various denominations. The theme was “Church and Society,” and we discussed the importance of spiritual matters and their impact in all areas of life. Natalya Matinova, the deputy mayor of Kanev, called for churches to create an advisory body made up of representatives of religious communities, which will coordinate cooperation and future prayer breakfasts.
It was a busy summer for ministry. We conducted children’s camps throughout July. These are traditionally held in conjunction with local public schools in Bobritsa, Gryshchensy, and Potaptsy. A total of 200 children participated with one camp session in the morning, and another in the afternoon.
Then at the end of the month and into August, our church held a family camp in the forest. I was responsible for preparing the theme and seminars on resolving family conflicts, parenting, financial discipline, and other areas. There are unhealthy trends in Ukraine that make this kind of event necessary. So many are living together out of wedlock, getting divorces, gender politics, and so many things that destroy the traditional family. We wanted to gather people together and provide them with a biblical view of the family. Youth and children had their own programs as well, including contests and games.
Finally, we were able to hold monthly Coffee House ministry for the youth of our region, including teenagers from our church. God is extending His grace in Ukraine, and we give Him glory and thanks for this. We are also thankful to you for your support in God’s harvest field!