My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish
all my good pleasure (Isaiah 46:10).
Very often when hearing the reports and testimonies of SGA-sponsored missionary pastors, they will speak of working in “God’s vineyard” or “God’s harvest field.” The imagery really comes into focus when you get outside large cities like Moscow, Kiev, or Minsk, and see the faithful Gospel ministry taking place in the small villages that dot the landscape. But even with more than 330 faithful men sharing the Gospel and planting new churches, it’s only a drop in the bucket compared to the vast harvest waiting in thousands of unreached towns and villages. That’s what makes the support of SGA partners like you so vitally important.
Pastor Pavel Barsukov serves in the Russian region of Krasnoyarsk. Between small group ministry and summer camps, God is blessing and his church is growing . . .
As we began last year, we had seven small groups but when we started up again in the fall, the number had grown to 11. We blessed the new leaders for these groups, and organized groups especially for youth. This was of great importance because many new people have come to the church as a result of our camp ministry, which reached the youth. It is important not to lose them!
Pavel’s church is not only working hard to evangelize their own area, but they’re also committed to reaching the neighboring nation of Mongolia. In the fall, Pavel and two other pastors traveled there to lead Bible schools. He reports that Mongolian Christians have a real hunger to study God’s Word, and their questions show their love of God and the Bible. Previously, they had very little Bible training.
In Belarus, Pastor Yuri Romanchik also has a very fruitful children’s ministry beginning with Sunday school . . .
We always consider different ways to fill our Sunday school with kids. Since September, there are 32 new children coming. We had organized a special thanksgiving day celebration and went to town to gather them. A total of 100 children were there for the event and for the majority, it was their first time in church. And a number of them repented and came to faith in Christ. We restored small Bible study groups with five new people joining, and I personally visited 12 families to share the Gospel and encourage their hearts. I ask you to keep praying that the Lord will continue to use us in His work.
That is how the Lord is building His church—one soul at a time. The harvest is waiting to be gathered and many more workers are needed. Please prayerfully consider how you can help a faithful missionary pastor and his family to reach a Russian village for Christ.