SGA president Michael Johnson and a team from America traveled to Moldova to be a part of the second year of Immanuel’s Child outreaches there, with the Gospel being proclaimed to all who needed to hear. God’s family truly shows no borders! SGA Storyteller Tatiana and her family had the opportunity to witness it all and participate. She wrote,
It is beautiful to see God’s work all over the earth and how brothers and sisters from the richest country in the world support ministry in a small village in Moldova to proclaim the Lord Jesus, and to share love and joy.
In the village of Ișnovat wonderful things happened this Christmas season. Although the village does not have many resources, the people who live there are eager to serve the Lord and spread the good news. The Christmas outreach—organized with the help of SGA partners—was a true blessing and an opportunity to exalt the Lord through their deeds.
Gheorghe and his wife Irina, together with their three children, decided to get actively involved and joyfully proclaim the word of the Lord. At the outreach, the room was full of people who listened to the word of the Lord and enjoyed every gift offered. The children prepared carols and poems about the birth of the Savior. Adelina, an 11-year-old girl, became a living example of God’s work in the village. She says,
I love studying the Word of God. I feel closer to the Lord, and the songs and messages made me feel loved and accepted before Him. I love it so much that I would like to stay in this center forever! I am also happy about the gift I received. I can’t wait to leaf through the Bible I received while drinking tea with the chocolates. I truly felt God’s love and care in everything I saw. I love the Lord, and I want to be with Him as much as possible.
Adelina is an example of love and trust in the Lord, and her desire to learn and live in harmony with others encourages us all to be closer to God. As the Word teaches us . . . Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as to the Lord and not to men (Colossians 3:23). Every action, every gift, and every song is a form of praise to the Lord.
Reports from other SGA-supported Immanuel’s Child outreaches are still coming in from churches across the former Soviet Union
REQUEST: Please continue to pray for the many children and their parents who heard the Gospel, and for the follow-up ministry that will take place.