Editor’s Note: An SGA ministry partner in Russia shares the following report.
We hope you are blessed as you read the ministry report below from Benjamin of Russia’s Baptist Union. Several churches—many of which are supported by SGA thanks to the generosity of friends like you—held Summer Camps this past summer to share the Gospel with children from unbelieving families, as well as to disciple children from their congregations.
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While many of the camps were held on-site at the churches, some were also held at a camp base on Haka Lake, which SGA helped to fund several years ago. As you read, please rejoice as you consider the harvest of young souls and how God can change a child’s life for eternity in one week of camp.
Children’s Christian venues in the Khabarovsk Region, Summer 2024
1. The activities venue at a church in a rural village was held for two days.
On the first day, the children were on a sea voyage, learning to tie knots, pumping water from the deck, and escaping from sharks. At the Bible lesson, we talked about the fact that our Jesus Christ is our best captain and friend, and how we can receive salvation.
On the second day, the children were on a quest for a Noah’s ark, using the found map. They learned what God expects from boys and girls who have faith in Him. In the Bible lesson, we discussed the importance of being obedient to God.
The activities were attended by the children of the Sunday school of 5 to 13 years of age. We are thankful to God that the children were both from unbelieving families and from families attending the church. We are hopeful that they will be attending our Sunday school.
The children enjoyed communication and spending time together. We prayerfully hope that this work will bear good fruit in the lives of these children.
“We had a Christian venue with activities at our church. I enjoyed participating in the contests. Most of all, I liked the test with the volcano. It was a lot of fun.” —Ivan, 10
“I liked the games, especially dragging coals from a burning volcano. And I liked the lesson on friendship with Jesus.” —Seva, 12
“I liked the team games, the treats, the sausages and the cola.” —Anya, 7
The entertainment part of the activities venue hosted by the church was done at a high level. There were many games that attracted the attention of children and made them interested. And importantly, every day the kids heard biblical truths.
2. A local church, together with youth from other churches, held a Christian activities venue.
From Pastor Yuri: “Thank you for your participation in ministering to children and teenagers in our city and the neighboring rural area. The Lord blessed our venue that took place for six days. From 12:00 to 2:00, we had a venue in one of the city districts, and from 4:00, we were running activities in the neighboring village with the same ministry for children and teenagers. In the city, we had 44 children in attendance at our activity venues. The children were willing to give their contact information. One of the parents asked for a Bible and we were happy to give one. In general, there were a lot of positive impressions, and all in attendance received out invitation to come to the church.”
3. A church from Khabarovsk held Christian outreaches in five villages.
In Zaozernoye village—attended by 48 children
Khabarovsk ‘Gorkiy’ district—attended by 15 children
Rakitnoe village—attended by 20 children.
Pereyaslavka village—with the help of the local church youth, attended by 15 children
Teenage trip to the campsite Haka—40 people attended
“I really liked being a part of this short-term mission. I am delighted to see the young people who are eager to wholeheartedly serve our Lord. We had many attendants who took part in a variety of rich, entertaining, and edifying activities. This year we had some special scenery that helped to deeply delve into the atmosphere created throughout the outing. Each camper got a nice present at the end of the outreach and a special gift of a printed camp photo, which will remind them of their great summer, and of Jesus Christ.” —Eduard Y.
“The trip was a great blessing for me. It was a joy to have so many teenagers who wanted to study the Bible and interested not only in entertainment, but also in spiritual reflection. Some of them expressed a desire to study the Bible, some did start attending the Bible study group, and come to the church on a regular basis.” —Andrey E.
“When on a mission trip, God showed me my true attitude toward evangelism. I saw that I do not do enough, that I don’t worry enough about salvation of my family and friends at work. On the last day of the mission, part of the team and I went to the funeral, in order to support my church. There, God showed me that I could die and my friends, family, and colleagues might never know about Christ. I prayed to God and decided to stop being afraid, and boldly tell my boss Yulia about Christ, and to invite my neighbor Masha to the church, and to talk about God with my co-workers.” —Maria
“I attend the Christian venues every year, and I really like it there, it is fun and interesting there.” —Milana, 10
“I could spend my vacation at the seaside, but I chose to go to the Christian campsite. I realized that I needed to change my life, and for this I needed to acknowledge God. I decided to go to the church on Sundays, and to join a Bible study group.” —Andrey, 20
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