Editor’s Note: An SGA Storyteller in Moldova provides the following ministry report.
God writes His story through His people. Every day, we wake up and have the awesome privilege of showing the world what God is like. The example of our lives goes far beyond what we expect it to. So many people are watching us. Maria understood that our actions and behavior can be an example to those around us, even when we say nothing. When we live as Christ lived, people notice. They may, by God’s grace, even come to want what we have.
Pavel was a living example of God’s kindness and love, and this opened her eyes to the truth. Pavel is Maria’s husband. By his salvation and transformation through God’s grace, Maria is now walking with the Lord. The story of our lives becomes a reflection of Christ to others. Today, she hopes her story will encourage others to be an example of gentleness, love, and faith. And so, it just keeps getting passed further and further as we live faithfully for Him.
Please pray that we will all wake up each morning and choose to be His ambassadors and that others will see Christ in us, and many will continue to be saved. Here is Maria’s story as shared by SGA Storyteller Tatiana . . .
Maria is a simple and hardworking woman from a village in the Taraclia district. She discovered God’s love and power through her husband, Pavel. Maria remembers how her life completely changed when she saw how God was working in Pavel’s heart and behavior.
Pavel was the first to turn to faith. He repented and got baptized, and this was a big change for him. At first, Maria did not understand how the man she knew became so different. Pavel was always kind, polite to everyone, even to those who provoked him. He did not get into conflicts, and when he responded, he did so with gentleness and love. Many times, even Maria asked herself, “What is wrong with him? What has changed in him?” She thought maybe Pavel was not in his right mind, but now she feels ashamed for thinking like that. Today, she understands that Pavel had found a new way of life, a life with God.
Maria remembers many moments when Pavel was an example for her. She smiles as she tells how, one day, while she was herding the turkeys, a neighbor suddenly began to insult her. Maria was ready to get upset and respond back, but she remembered what Pavel had taught her: to be gentle and answer with love, just like he would. So, she said to the neighbor, “God bless you.” To her surprise, the neighbor calmed down immediately and did not say another word. That day, Maria felt a deep peace in her heart. She did not even get upset, as she would have done before.
At that time, Maria was not yet a believer, but she felt that something was changing. She saw through Pavel that God was truly working in people’s lives. She often thought about all the changes she saw in her husband and how he remained calm and kind, even in tough moments. She wished to have that peace and strength, too. That is why Maria prayed for a long time, asking God to show her the right way. Through all the trials she went through, she felt her heart guiding her toward God. She understood that only faith in the living God could give her the strength to change everything.
The day came when Maria decided to change her life. She repented and got baptized. She made a covenant with God and began to study the Bible. As she learned more about God’s Word, Maria began to see changes in her life. She felt His presence and love at every step, and she saw how God was answering her prayers. From a woman who had many doubts, Maria became a person who puts all her trust in the Lord.
Today, Maria happily shares with others how God is working in her life. She tells people that the change began when she saw how much Pavel had transformed. Through him, Maria understood that our actions and behavior can be an example to those around us, even when we say nothing. Pavel was a living example of God’s kindness and love, and this opened her eyes to the truth.
Our daily behavior can have a deep impact on those around us. What we do, how we respond to challenges, how we treat our neighbor—all of these can be a testimony about God. We can show the love and peace of Christ through the way we live, and in this way, we can be a light for those who have not yet known Him.
Maria is grateful for all she has learned from Pavel and for finding the way to God. Today, she hopes her story will encourage others to be an example of gentleness, love, and faith.As it says in Matthew 5:16 . . . Let your light shine before men in such a way
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