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Editor’s Note: An SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine provides the following report.

This is a wonderful report from a faithful SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine. As you read his report of how God worked in the lives of children at a Summer Bible Camp—and consider how the camper responded to the theme of the “Secrets of Life” and choosing to follow Jesus—please give thanks with us!

The churches we serve in Ukraine and other countries see Summer Bible Camps result in more children coming to Christ than any other outreach. Camp counselors—caring believers who volunteer their time to disciple young campers—hear stories that break hearts. Kids are surrounded by war, death, the loss of childhood, family breakdown, spiritual confusion, addiction, trafficking, and more.

But a merciful God is opening doors to transform children with His Gospel, and He uses the generous support of friends like you to help fund camp for children so they can have the opportunity to believe in Jesus.

From the pastor . . .

The camp was truly a divine provision for our church. A week before the start of the camp, a team from another church that was supposed to come and run the program reported that they could not help with the camp. At that moment, we were considering canceling the Sports Week, but God worked in such a way that within a week, the program was prepared, and more volunteers were found to join the team in organizing the camp. God be praised!

Our church is grateful to God for 115 children who participated in this year’s camp activities. Such events are very meaningful for the children of Ukraine, as these days they need to escape from the ongoing stress caused by the war.

The children were involved in various activities such as сrafts, a master class on fruit salad making, sports, Superbook Bible classes, trampoline, music, experimenting, etc.

The theme of our summer camp was “Secrets of Life.” We told the children about the importance of identity, and that they are special. We also talked about the identity of God and Who He is for us and the importance of making the right choice in life—following Jesus Christ. We pray that these “secrets” that were heard will retain the truths of life and that God will nurture them in their hearts. After all, the children were “hungry,” and it was clear that they were searching for someone special and, above all else—who God alone is, the hope and faith in life eternal.

The closing of our camp took place in the style of a special festival. The children invited their parents, grandparents, and other family to the closing festivities. We thank God for all the 150 participants who attended the closing day. Our purpose was to provide an opportunity for parents and children to share time together, as due to the war and full-time jobs, children spend very little time with their parents.

So for us as a church, it was a priority to talk about Christian principles and values for both parents and children. Our volunteers shared that they heard many words of gratitude and positive comments from parents. The adults were grateful for the camp being organized as they believed it was valuable and beneficial for their children. 

We are immensely grateful to God for the opportunity to witness about His grace and the “secrets of life” of following Jesus Christ. We pray and believe that these children will continue seeking God and that the Lord will give our church opportunities and resources to continue reaching children and adults. 

Thank you, dear brothers and sisters, for participating in this important cause through your prayers and donations!

Feedback from Children:
Sharing The “secrets Of Life” At Summer Bible Camp Angelina

Angelina, 8 years old

“I am thankful to our sponsors who were willing to make this camp possible. We like it here, and we are thankful also to our cooks who make tasty food for us, and the leaders who teach us from the Bible. Thank you!”

Sharing The “secrets Of Life” At Summer Bible Camp Alina

Alina, 10 years old

“I want to thank the sponsors for the camp! We learned many new things and had a lot of fun. I liked singing and dancing, and I now know how to make fruit salads! We also hear stories from the Bible.”

Sharing The “secrets Of Life” At Summer Bible Camp Ulyana

Ulyana, 8 years old

“I like being in the places where people are happy and have great time. This camp was that place for me, and I liked it here so much. We had Bible classes and cooking class. I liked helping the leaders. Thank you for the camp!”

Sharing The “secrets Of Life” At Summer Bible Camp Roman

Roman, 11 years old

“Along with other campers, I want to thank everyone who contributed to development of our sports week camp. We had many activities to suit every taste: games, sports, trampolines, and time to talk. I will miss this time a lot, but hope to attend another Sports Week again!”

Feedback from Parents:
Sharing The “secrets Of Life” At Summer Bible Camp Galina

Galina, Margarita’s grandmother

“I’d like to thank the church for organizing such a fantastic time for our children. Margarita is absolutely thrilled and was delighted to get up early every morning to head off to camp. I’m really happy that she’s spending less time on her smartphone and more time in your camp, where she’s made some lovely new friends.”

Sharing The “secrets Of Life” At Summer Bible Camp Tanya

Tanya’s grandmother

“I am so thankful for all the time you’ve spent with our kids. It’s so important to teach them about good values, and I know you did a great job. During summer holidays, our kids don’t have much to do in the village, so it’s really nice that they have this space to enjoy themselves and learn new things.”

Tatyana, Artem’s mother

“On the second day of the camp, my six-year-old son Artem came home and asked, ‘Mom, do you know what God is like? Today, we learned that He is an all-powerful and great God, that He created everything around us.’ And then Artem started looking for a small book in the table drawer—it was a book of prayers. In the camp, he was told that God hears every prayer, and Artem believes it in his heart. Now we pray to the Great God together.”

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, and hygiene supplies.

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