240912 Sga Sep Cultivation Campaign Immanuels Child Website Article 1 Wp Preview V3
Editor’s Note: The image and story below were provided by an SGA Storyteller in Ukraine.

“They all forgot for a moment about the hardships of their lives and looked to the hope that comes from Jesus.” Tatiana, a SGA Storyteller, reported what she saw on the faces of orphans, war refugees, and abused children during last year’s Immanuel Child’s Christmas celebrations.

Though the children’s hearts were heavy, the hope of Christ was their lasting impression. As they summarized their thoughts, the hope of Jesus was in the forefront of their hearts and minds. The celebration was exactly what the Immanuel’s Child team had hoped for, “The wonderful Immanuel’s Child Christmas Outreach has the same goal, that together we bring new children to Christ.” Here is Tatiana to share more . . .

The joy of every believer is to be able to take part in sharing the Gospel with the whole world. I always look with enthusiasm at the evangelistic projects that are done in different countries. How each person in each country invests, prays, and puts time, effort, and a lot of creativity to make sure that the Word of God reaches as many people as possible. The wonderful Immanuel’s Child Christmas Outreach has the same goal, that together we bring new children to Christ.

One such event took place in nearby town, with 87 children from Ukrainian refugee families and children from local children’s homes. The children watched a special program prepared by the team. It explained the meaning of Christmas, illustrated by skits and songs. The children received special gifts, together with the star ornaments from the people who prepared these gifts. The program was presented in two languages: Romanian and Russian. The program was concluded with a tasty Christmas meal.

These are some words from some of the children…

Beatris is 8 years old: “For me Christmas means the birth of Jesus.” Maria is 8 years old: “For me Christmas means gifts, and the most beautiful gift for any human being is that Jesus comes into their heart.” Ionela is 9 years old: “For me Christmas means songs about the birth of Jesus.”

Some of the children wrote a letter to God about what they want from Him this year. Their letters are similar to a prayer…

Eugene is 12 years old, and a child from a Ukrainian refugee family: “I like it here. It feels like home, even if this is not my home. I pray to Jesus to give health to my mother, my father and all the people on earth. I don’t ask for gifts because I am a big boy already, and when I grow up, I will help my parents because they gave me a happy childhood.”

David is 12 years old, and he wrote: “Dear Jesus, I pray that this year there will be peace on earth. Please make my mother stop crying. And may all people live many happy years. I have two brothers and my little sister. I love my mother and father very much and besides them I don’t need anything. Please let there be peace on earth.”

Another child from a Ukrainian family, Artyom is 9 years old. His letter said: “Dear Jesus thank you for being here, for healing me. Thank you for everything. I will always thank you for keeping us from war and bringing us here. If it is possible, please bless me with a Lego set. Thank you.”

All of the children and their parents enjoyed the entire Immanuel’s Child Christmas events very much. They all forgot for a moment about the hardships of their lives and looked to the hope that comes from Jesus.”

No matter where the Immanuel’s Child celebration is taking place throughout the former Soviet Union, the message is always Jesus—the hope and peace for lost and weary hearts. Be a part of God’s incredible work through this Christmas festivity when you donate today.

2409 Ic Cultivation Website Article 1

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