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Editor’s Note: The following report and images were provided by an SGA storyteller in Moldova

Often, our eyes are opened to certain realities only after a tragic event takes place. At times, our lives can become so overwhelming due to challenges and trials. Our hearts can also be burdened and brought low by the pressures and unkindness of others.  If we aren’t prepared to withstand this onslaught, our hearts give in to the pressures—as it did for this young teacher.  However, our hearts can be prepared to stand strong in the trials when we don’t lean on our own understanding, but instead stand on the Word of God (Proverbs 3:5-6).  When our eyes are opened to His truth, our lives change.  We live beyond ourselves. And God gives us the strength and grace to do it.

In May 2023 a terrible case rocked the small country of Moldova. A director of a regional gymnasium committed suicide on the educational institution premises. She was only 38 years old.

Following this incident, several conclusions have been made; namely that teachers are under a lot of pressure from several categories of people: students, parents of students, and even work colleagues.Under these circumstances, Pastor Adrian (photo), together with the SGA-supported church he leads, organized a camp where teachers could rest both physically and spiritually

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During the camp, they studied the Bible with a course called “Guard Your Heart and Life” based on the book of Proverbs. This book offers wisdom on how to relate to difficult people in your life. Following the studies, the teachers who attended the camp said that if they had known these truths earlier, they would have known how to better manage relationships with difficult people in their lives.

The story of another teacher—Tatiana (photo)—reminds us that God is working powerfully in our lives, bringing amazing and unexpected changes.

When God Uses Tragedy To Open Our Eyes 2

Last year, Tatiana came to camp with a skeptical heart, looking at the Bible lessons with reservation. This year, however, we’ve seen God’s Word go deep into her heart, transforming her and filling her with enthusiasm and gratitude for the truths discovered. This was a stirring reminder that no heart is too far from God’s love and that He continues to work today, changing lives and bringing light.

Let us encourage one another in our ministry, knowing that God opens new ways and brings fruit with each step of our journey of faith. Just as Tatiana found a source of joy and inspiration in His Word, let us believe that God can do the same in the lives of those around us, making them His disciples and bringing eternal fruit through our dedicated service.

Because of the tragedy of the young gym director, Pastor Adrian was led to prepare a safe place, a Christian camp, for unbelieving teachers to be taught from the Word of God.  In doing this, many seeds have been planted into these very weary hearts.  “One teacher came to camp with a skeptical heart, looking at the Bible lessons with reservation. This year, however, we’ve seen God’s Word go deep into her heart, transforming her and filling her with enthusiasm and gratitude for the truths discovered.”  Please pray for these hearts to receive the saving faith of Christ, so that they can stand strong in the challenges they face, and have the wisdom of God to live by, as they each impact generations to come. 

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