In the story below, you will read of a couple who has been consumed with physical and emotional hardships, but you wouldn’t see it in their faces. “Although life’s hardships are great,” SGA team member Tatiana writes of Gheorghe and Valentina, “they are not overcome, and their faces are peaceful and gentle.”
That peace this couple has comes only from putting your full trust in the Lord. No matter what the circumstances, they are learning more and more to be thankful. Instead of dwelling on their circumstances, they are loving and serving those around them. Please pray for Gheorghe and Valentina and that they will continue to be great witnesses in the midst of their pain.
The greatest treasure a man has is health, and when it is missing, things become much harder. The comfort and hope one has is in the Lord Jesus who can heal any man.
Valentina, together with her husband Gheorghe, fight daily with their illnesses. They are both pensioners and suffer from serious health issues. Gheorghe is disabled, suffers from epilepsy, and is blind. Valentina has problems with her bowels and has had 15 operations over the years. However, her health problem has not been resolved.
Together they adopted a baby girl 27 years ago. At the moment the daughter is abroad. The couple tells us that their adopted daughter does not keep in contact with them as the relationship between parents and children should. And this makes them sad.
The couple receives around $200 a month from the state. With the inflation that’s happening at the moment, it’s hardly enough for food. They find it very difficult to buy medicine, or wood for heat. Last year the local church helped them with wood. And this year they have little left from last year. In the summer, they brought tree branches from the forest to get them ready for the winter.
Valentina and Gheorghe are members of the church. They are regulars at church services. People watching them are encouraged by their godly living. Although life’s hardships are great, they are not overcome, and their faces are peaceful and gentle. They encourage the young people of the church to trust in the Lord and to be hardworking. They pray for their health and the health of the church members. Valentina and Gheorghe encourage us not to be sad because of the little problems we have, but to be thankful and love those around us.