In looking through this issue of the Good News Report, I am struck by the contrast of the ongoing ministry taking place in vastly differing circumstances. As we near Christmas and the eagerly anticipated Immanuel’s Child Christmas outreaches, there is that joy of anticipation over what God will do. Yet in the same newsletter, there is the ongoing heartbreak of war and devastation in Ukraine, coupled with what your prayers and support are helping the churches there to accomplish for the sake of the Gospel.
Yet isn’t that part and parcel of what our lives are like in a fallen world? At one location on our planet, daily life carries on with little to disrupt the daily routine. Many live lives that seem happy and carefree, in relative prosperity, and what happens elsewhere doesn’t get their attention. In another part of the world, poverty, war, and oppression are daily companions. People in those places seem to know little of peace or joy. Daily life is a hard grind, and they go to bed at night not knowing if a rocket or bomb will bring their lives to a sudden end.
We know from God’s Word that we always ought to be mindful of how brief life is in comparison to eternity. Luke records the parable of the Lord Jesus illustrating that lesson . . . And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years to come; take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry.” But God said to him, “You fool! This very night your soul will be required of you; and who will own what you have prepared?” So is the man who stores up treasure for Himself, and is not rich toward God (Luke 12:19-21).
Here in North America and in the former Soviet Union, life and ministry goes on each day. Life is filled with many trials, although each of us do not experience the same kind of trials. Yet every trial the Lord allows in our lives has a purpose—to bring us closer to Him, to teach us to rely on Him for everything. He alone is our source of peace and joy, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is our only hope of eternal life in Him. That is the message our faithful brothers and sisters in the former Soviet Union proclaim with every opportunity the Lord grants. Your ongoing prayers and faithful support help sustain them and their ministries. I can never thank you enough!
For our Savior,
Michael Johnson