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Editor’s Note: The report and images below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

In the hardest of days of the war in Ukraine, SGA-supported pastors like Sergei lead their congregations with baptisms, summer camps, food distribution and other life-changing outreaches. Our brothers and sisters in Christ care for many while they themselves suffer as well. This is a true picture of compassion in ministry. May we be challenged to rise up in the same way in our daily walk with Christ and as we serve their churches.

Here is an encouraging report from Sergei . . .

Greetings, my dear friends! 

We had a baptism service in our church. We thank the Lord for His mercy to our people and to us! Many unbelievers came to see our church event. There was a lot of excitement, because it was the first time we held such a baptism in the pool.

I was especially worried about the elderly people. But they endured everything and were baptized. The Lord blessed us in this! A lot of Orthodox people came, and it was very interesting for them to see how we do baptism. They liked it, they talked about it themselves, and many of them changed their opinion about the Baptists. 

In difficult military conditions, God remains faithful and guides and helps. Therefore, I thank Him and you for your participation, support and prayers! It is always inspiring! May the Good God continue to bless and inspire you and us! 

Also, we had the opportunity to hold a children’s camp in a neighboring village, for the children of all the IDPs [internally displaced persons] in our area. Many of the children were from low-income families, large families, poor people who have no job and no income. That’s why we feed them here on the territory with your products and, along with this ministry, tell them about Christ. In simple conditions, right outside, it’s a nice summer, the weather is good and everyone can be seated. Christ fed the people on a mountain, in the open air. This is a wonderful ministry! Thank you!

And now about the house . . . Thank you all again for all your support. Now I would like to ask for prayer support in the meantime. In the photo, this is the house that we have to rebuild and where my granddaughter Maryna and her mother will live. After the shelling and after everything they have experienced and gone through, we want them to live in a beautiful and cozy house. This house was destroyed by [invaders’] mines. We have demolished everything and want to build a new house on the same spot. But we do not have enough money. Therefore, we ask the Lord for help and share our need with you, dear friends of SGA.


Images of Sergei’s granddaughter Maryna helping to distribute food aid:

Maryna was badly injured and lost her leg when mortar fire struck her family’s home in Ukraine early on during the war. Because friends like you generously gave and prayed, Maryna was fitted with a prosthesis and has learned to walk again.

If you want any more of a picture of the resilient and faithful people who SGA serves with you in Ukraine, look at these pictures of Maryna!

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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