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Editor’s Note: The report, images and testimonies below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

Here is another wonderful report from an SGA-sponsored church in Ukraine where the Gospel is going forth. Generous friends like you are faithfully equipping them through your support and prayers for the ministry God has raised them up to do. May He be praised and glorified in His Church!

Grace Church is working with people affected by the war and therefore we appreciate any help in this field. Therefore, we sincerely thank you for the food aid provided for our people. These products were used in the church service with evangelistic purposes. In particular, an evangelistic meeting was held for internally displaced people who are in a difficult situation because of the war. After this meeting, each of them received a package (packaged by the church members) with food.

Also, food packages were delivered to the homes of those who could not come to the House of Prayer, and with whom personal communication was initiated. We have positive feedback, but the need still remains. The first fruits of the ministry have already been seen: three people are preparing for baptism, one of them is an IDP [internally displaced person] from Sloviansk. We thank the Lord for these opportunities to serve our people and we thank you for your open hearts.

For God’s glory,

The Firstfruits Of The Ministry Have Already Been Seen 3

Testimony – Vira

My name is Vira. I am an IDP from the city of Mariupol. In 2022, our life was divided into “before” and “after.” Until February 24, 2022, my family had everything: a house, a favorite job, and a happy childhood. We enjoyed life, made plans for the future, and nothing portended trouble. After the invasion, our life turned into hell. We were forced to hide in basements, to find food and water, to stay cold, to lose our loved ones.Our house first burned down completely, and then it was razed to the ground. It so happened that in the 21st century we became homeless. We came a long way from Mariupol . . . we have been living in this town for a year now. People here are friendly and always willing to help.My family is grateful to Grace Church for the timely and much-needed help. These food packages have everything we need. They are delicious, high quality and varied. May your goodness be returned to you in good health and prosperity. Thank you very much for your help!

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Testimony – Tetiana

Today I have received humanitarian aid from Grace Church. My son, my daughter and I came from the Donetsk region . . . as IDPs in spring last year. People here are very kind and generous, they have accepted us as their family and everyone helps us.Grace Church always invites us to receive humanitarian food aid, which is very nice. We are very grateful to these kind, nice people.

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Testimony – Tamara

My name is Tamara, and I came . . . from the city of Bakhmut in November 2022 because our city was constantly under shelling—my house had been shelled more than once and was heavily damaged at the time of our leaving. The leaving itself was very difficult, the shelling did not stop during the evacuation, so we packed very quickly and were not able to take most of our belongings and food supplies with us for the near future. During this difficult period, having no job in a new place and financial difficulties to buy food, we repeatedly were supported by Grace Church, which provided with food packages, for which we are sincerely grateful.

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Testimony – Family from Kharkiv

I want to sincerely thank you for the humanitarian aid from kind and generous people from abroad. We are a family of IDPs from Kharkiv. We lived in northern Saltivka. This area of our city suffered the greatest destruction. In the morning, at five a.m. on February 24, 2022, we woke up to powerful explosions. We hid in the subway for some time. On March 5, 2022, we left for the town of Hrebinka. We are grateful to the caring people who met us on our way and shared this terrible disaster and indescribable pain with us. We believe that God will help us through this difficult time, and we are learning to pray to Him. We are grateful to the church and the people of this church who treat us warmly. 

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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