As you read through SGA-supported Pastor Mykhailo’s report below and see all of the images of ministry in wartime Ukraine, the words Joseph spoke in Genesis 50:20 ring true: As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result.
We see God’s goodness in the displaced Ukrainians He is bringing to Mykhailo’s church—some who may have never come without the devastation of war. And the Word is going forth into the community as seeds are planted each time emergency supplies are distributed and gratefully received.
“Every single person needs help,” Mykhailo says. “And we believe that the Lord will change the hearts, circumstances, and lives of the people of our homeland through human hands.”
Dear friends in the Lord,
We sincerely thank you, dear brothers and sisters, for the help we received through SGA.
These products we receive are so necessary for people living in our border region. About 347 miles in our region is bordered by the Russian Federation. All along this border, there is constant shelling of nearby villages and towns. Our church, together with other brothers and sisters, tries to help people in these locations. We also systematically hold meetings for the disabled and socially vulnerable in [our city].
We also make regular home visits with food packages to those who cannot leave their apartments due to health reasons. We have already held four Bible study groups with new people who were interested. Three people were baptized and seven more are preparing for baptism. With your food donations, we can serve those in need in this time of war, as well as build relationships and preach the Good News.
Thank you very much! Pray for us. Especially for our spiritual, emotional and physical strength, because it is very hard for us. God sees everything!
Testimony of the boys from the orphanage
The war in Ukraine has brought a lot of grief and suffering, but at the same time, the people of our country have become more united, friendly and benevolent. People have realized that only together we can survive the war and defeat the evil that has come to our homes.Evangelical churches gladly extended a helping hand to all segments of the population.The Lord said to his disciples, “Give them something to eat.”A lot of people come to us, and with God’s grace we provide the help we have.Public organizations are also asking for help!A shelter for young people, boys and girls from the orphanage who have not yet built their lives yet, also asked for help. The first warm and friendly meeting, making acquaintance and helping with food, has borne its fruits.
Meet Ahmed, Ruslan, Dima, Denis, Mikhail, and Sergei (in the pictures above).These boys willingly come to the church, respond to every need for help and are very diligent. They are not yet believers, but we are friends.This is a struggle for their souls, and it is not easy, the enemy of human souls has crippled these souls quite badly. The fates of these teenagers are complicated, they are orphans, half-orphans, those who moved from Kharkiv because they lost their homes, those who are still studying, those who are looking for a job.Every single person needs help, and we believe that the Lord will change the hearts, circumstances, and lives of the people of our homeland through human hands.
So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith (Galatians 6:10).
Blessings to you!
Pastor Mykhailo
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.